The Evening Sun from Baltimore, Maryland (2024)


(Continurd from Preceding Column) (Continued from PrerrAing Column (Continued from Preceding Column) INSTALLMENT COLLECTOR PERSONNEL SERVICE CO. MX Lexiaron Bkig- Cairert o7U. Alphabetical Index, to Siunpaper Classified Numbered according to tin position in wblc a thejr appear In the aectloa. 'All advertisem*nts reoIed after 01 P. M.

will apoear In the Bta-Bins Issue or the next tiny, eiwpt for the Saturday Issue. Help WaoLrJ and Lust and 1'ouufJ adrertJsem*nta accepted (ot (Da Eteutug Issue Ba late aa :0 A. M. To caned ao sdvertlsenttnt, peona Plasa TiOO. Statlus 131 or 122, between A.

M. and P. M. KOTirEr Classified orders for Insertion la The Wanhlngton Star and The New York Times nay be placed orcr tea buaini-as counter of the Sunpapera. "Let Storage Help Toa" ELIMINATE RISK Leadias Firms In All Imin Cities aVn MamoaTS tbs NATIONAL FURXITCRB WAREHOUSEMAN'S ASS'N.

Tbea stast render reliable tcrrta. Bes that tbs smbleoi Is dllplsjcd eat isaa that Dura Jour goals. MOVING lal and Lobs Distsnea, PACKING. STORAGE, SHIPPING. Uembers JABTBOK BRdr? RTOBA3 WAJiEUDtSE.

Fnderick and txndoa Asss. Gilicar 4U6d. M0NCMENTAL RTOBAfiB ADD CAJIPI.T CLEANING CO 1110 Park Are. Vernon 12tit*. 8BCCEITT STORAGE OOMPABT.

IS W. North Am. Veroos 7900. ITOEllTT STORAGE COMPACT, 2104-0S-0S Marsland Ale. Homeirood 8200.

BALTIMORE STORAGE CO. Charles and Ititb ts. Uinar 8000. CRAHAM 8 8T0RA5B WARKHOCSE Psrk Ara and Polpbia St. -Vemua 1371.

ACME STORAGE INC. Weekly tries to all Baaters Cities, Phone Oamilton 416S. BROWS MOVING Gil. 5TS2 Free ini to etcrase; big 7-room ran, Jld, S12. t4.1 op.

1611M W. Islington at. THOMAS MOVING CO SJADISON SSI1S. Movins. lih-al and long dUlanre; loada, 14 snd op: ran.

1 Strtraer at. MOVINCr THEN CALL lOJIlKE Unite 11474 SIS Cllntnn HOLB VA.VS. $111 lead; euuM ran. S4. A.

HAItKtMiN. pjiry. IIJT nr lUiwv, 1771-J. X. 1'lilliiiM.

117 N. Strieker at Oil. HOUSM'LUNING VANS. cad. Cook ainrtnj i are s.Tti-i LAROK Vsn SS tjisd STMPPT TRAN'SFRR W'tVlXt 44 S.

Frrmmitare Cal. 3.47. BUILDING ASSOCIATIONS (30a) SEE Srnidae Ad tor list nf preferred Bmlillns REAL ESTATE FOR SALE (31) COLORE 1) PROPER TT Small Dasment trays Deanunu nome nue aeTeiauraent stao lota SCHNKPFR 17 K. Saralnca aL Plaza ONLY $2,450 43.1 8. 8MA1.LWOOD KT 2torr.

4 rocma on 1st: 3 1th. 2nd; newly rner and painted lnni and out; gas range, new furnace, stationary tuo. tlround rent unly S42 low taea. Will belp fii-arice. rivAl I.

1. fciiw rratt w. J1L 333C. GWYNNS FALLS PKWY. Cor.

Itrirk dtinlT hfmut. Kach ant. hn Urins mora, dinina room, kitclipu. Tntry. 2 bedrooms.

baili, porrh: 2nd floor has private entrance: all floors aras hmtlttocd, ltot bear; gnd aad garafie remeti for mo. Prire J10.UUU. HL-nii turn 341 or wmio (B'Ulnpr). l'J16 V. LAFAYETTE AVE.

on-roora ana pain wnn monvm corrrei- letice. in mrollpnt rnnHitfnn fnr SOO aasili onanced. J. R. D.

WILLIAMS CHmnr 1S08. 2015 FYcdericlt are. $30 DOWN Buys new K-room hisne in N'ortliera fee-tion. One blook from rar line and near eohoola. Kvery ponveninre.

Addreea Builder. I4M. Sun. DAYLIGHT HOMES $3,900 108 ft lot to 20 It. alley Plenty saraas tpaee.

Atnerfcan Radiation aot-Kater best, trery moderu Uifton Lild-'. Co. Hwd. 5452. Moatpelier and Ceril Are.


wood floors, Bfeam heat (oil burner): rwrfwt oindttion. In f- or with en und rit. 1UMI' WOOI' BKALTT OOKR. 1 10. Ixfnctcn ft.

JlcKEAN fiwtneriv KHaiwUhitT ri 'J-tory, tt roiniiH. hath, papete-i and paittt-od, el'ic. buft brick, la.rgi cellar; rent $40. RBALTV. 110 Lei-ingtoti at.

I'laM 2m). Ceilings lt. $10 CASH $10 WEEKLY Makes YOU 1hf ftwrtr nf prvwi.and.Kf.tii hpamsi lateral aectti.iis of the city, fume od iuTeeti-gate. fullt partinlan appiy li rooms, bath, elec. eeuiant cellar: alt fiKj-imiii roinx; 5i.ic.te; rent 4..

AK'O Eyiutable hldg. I'luca C2T8. p.veniog 1713 ST. PAUL ST. TO clrssf an msrMrt frnnf dnrsthnar sm heat, hardwrxsrl fltsors, riertricity, Btrage.

riwani k. wtaimear. Iitie BMb. al. STONE PORCH 8 ROOMS "JftlA fsnktD -I VnZVnL'J 'hool ami cars.

Fioancal i Lx. st. fl. Ijb. 6601.

WALBRU0K 8MO WAI.BROOK AVK. Ein. kn. Is rocias. 2 battn; reaunablr ronrertrd into V.

DONNELLY. WILLIAMS A PAHS. $4,250 Nww B.ftnren PnrAh.r.r.n, "d'iVt JfhlM Bl'd. Tni. So.

87 oar to 2400 llock WaiJuniiUm Bird. Walk bail block. IBniidcj.l OPEN" KVFAINGS H20O Ttl.R in viiivt, AVWl east of Belair mad at'i-li'fton WW 11 tw-l" 1 daylisht liomea, -WoHe 3306 BEECH AVE. $2,675 Pmrh front sfaim lisaaat a bath; newly rainted; little rash required. TrJivL.

2w W. Pratt ut. fiil. t91? EASY TERMS NflrW twtVrrTT allTrwini keioli a mmm a.s than cwt ot constrnrtin. ffloaa Titia tiuar.

A Trort PT.AZA 82Rf). NEW HOMES. $3,800 floor. lUuniinh.ed Ht niaht WtSTFRN V.VUA- 1920 PENROSE AVE. $200 DOWN.

9 tfklT! II Transit Itoth stl tTjent collar; Unro yard. WEBER, 821 lfK) CASH. 113.25 weekly. Nerr porch mot atroe on roan; room, tuart nsth. hot-rtater hast.

BALTO. HOMES fOKP. ri.r. nTlll or Lib. 127.

CLINTON RT. r'm, bath: barirain. THE VMUTKLM-l'BAIT 2333 K. Monimient tt. r.sJ OXLY $2,150 SACRIFICE 171)0 htk.

W. Kn)tn fU nnn.i- irTDr. 21 ttatliingtnn Hl'. Catr. 3101.

aojt AKLNAH 1 ao. eat of Edmond- price. IXt. gat s. ctsrles at.

Ter MIS WAUiKooh. Hiiii 8 rooms. nice lot. near ear ine: a Ir, home rnauaablit. See RKALTy MART.

it Norili tiutav street. Har.i 11TH. JACKSON ST. 1737 rooms, bath; ara4e: to fS 'n Term, or best caab. offer.

i. 1H7 P'eanr. STllKLT- 1K1.MIHUB -BUILT trwen: rocrm. and bitn, 1100 dcrrn. rjer sMas.

THIS HOME TOPA I rker. rr.wes, ill brtr 2-atorr "hones; (1 rnnm. wtb. eleetrie and saa, J. BETANa.

73 aremie. S3 WU III I 31J7 at. rocrol novwarfr heat, WELL-BUILT HOMES grt)nn nary Tempt. 2041 OIJlfR )n tee: EUllV h. 1062 nw tart'TTfl Koad.

1111 Miihh 8 da. Plan OOM. ANHiiliUTliN JlJia N.Cor.: cbaa, rash. PI. 3J7.

i IT 1 1 Tiivvv inir fv wttT hMtn.Zt?, 74tf W. Hita Cal. s-m MKEAN A K. Nr. Fulton and Wahrt tjnl'sr: un Bdair r-il: unrrh fmTjt.

if romK niMJ-J 2ATP M. Wfif KK" ST. BOOMS. APPLY 1938 BMH'K Hwiifnlea'1 Ht. New tlayHaht hrvwrr: fpfwrmnMn.

fill (W2B. 2i I'KI'Mt lK. I'HIU7 rocTrw: i ence bi ail trunebfs; ateka full or patrt tun C'TiriWrtKin. aVHrt, P)UD. ACOur.N'TANT and, exper.

offira mn dttirt to niake at wuer titer la a future, married; AI rtferppca. 311.V. ISon. ACCO I'M A NT-Bookkeeper. wiarriM.

or. ad penance. cotaU. CrcciU. bond.

3ti71. San. ACCOUNTANT detbut conaecLioo. full or pert iim. Min.

BOOKKEEPER. (HTK MANAGER. AC COUNTANT, bfgtily efficient iul pryt.reaijve twinit main, aainf tmwiuoii. ai'n. BOOKKhf PI-R KNOWL- fUMIIl'N.

3K14. tl BOY tenlredi wm work aa house oc errand tjy. i iMTiBiLtfi ix. L'arna tnawereq. CARPENTER, (jeneral mernantc.

wants cck or any iina, any niif. aur. CHAUFFEUR ((julorertt. lAisctual. counsoua.

canned, neir permanent pti wiin re-apTTitible people; reference lUOti Bennett MECHANIC WHITE) WPSfWa KNCE; BEBT RKFKRKNCKS. SUN. CJIAUFFtL'R (wluredl. reliable; ala? good on furniture and pniperty tepirs; city or oat-of-Uwn. 1374 North Fremont are.

CHAUFFEUR, butler or cook, A jean; lefer- ein. Slailianti CHAUFFEUR (colored), pritale fttmily. Albert wnite. J23 N. tremrmt 'nn floor.

CHAUFFEUR want f. truck or pleaaura car; CHIIF COOK. (GERMAN) WANTS POSI TION. 311. HUN.

COOK OR 'FTlit-inoj wiabei portion in nnaite tstniiv. rfi.i. wnn. COLLbCTIO. AND CKKIMT MANAGES, age make connectityn with nUabl Baitimor hooa.

81Wi. fen. COPPERaMITH and Pipefitter. p. fGennant, dwirea poeitiMi.

2iH0 St. Benediet. Gil. CL'KTOM CUTTER, retail and wboieaaJe. de- ire position: aaiarr no apeciai object.

Aonreai- Si 1 Mun, DISHWASHER (cdnredlMrtahM rlac in rntau- rant; rerrretu-efi. James um, iwm aiaoiaonaTe. EXECUTIVE 14 veaea fltisnriaJ and merrantllff CfXPerlflnrv. d'ires responibifj position. crUt and aalea ta-perienre.

Wiiiior to tra.el part tima; AI ref- 8m. FARMER and caretaker, general all around man. induetnoo. numw ( deBifen position; refereiKrei.

Addreaa 3616, Hun. OAK0ENER, 23 years' experience', excellent rpftrencea from erery amploypr; 45 year pld. EiiBlisbnian. married, industrious worker. wnf piace.

gentleman a esta'e. Sun. HOUSE man (Japan) desires poaitioii any kind, country or i-ity. 331T. W'ip.

JANI'lOR (vtaltired). experienced, wiahea Job, mmiiraa or apanmeniK. tvmiwuan y. UCFNrfEIi Erigineer. handy man or watchman.

2111 PREfSBt HY STREET MAN, 25 maiiafrine, product ioo and ma-chanical experience, wtanea poMtioa wnera bard work and intelligence count. Addrtsa 8631). 8iin. MAN, aettled (white) wlahM poaition a janitor nr nmrai alar fan rin all TertBir WOrk and pafiituic: married; no cbildran; reference. Ad- nrMA mux.

ntni. MAN DESIRES POSITION A3 CARE7TAKETR ANI VAJ.ET in gentleman' home. FA1RF1EI ROAD. Mount Washington. MAN tooloml.

reliable, poiiition aa cook. Jani tor, handv man; lndJUttnoit and pome; rei-mrmre. 1303 WINPH ESTER ST. MAS (colored) wialiea work ai MAN dfiirw work of tuiy g9 'tHT'ldU West Ijuraie atreet- wadiaon MAN (colored) aa ehanffeur and bouaeman, nf erenret. 92 N.

Carrollton are. ir.Ttfti. jjinitor apartment or waab 04 M.idinn atenne. dm tioor. MAN (cotoredi wanta place aa janitor.

1317 im trout street MAN (colored) want Job, port janitor. nil s. Mill iM MAN Steady, reliable, general clerical txparl- enee, mntu position. Sim. MULTI'iRAPH OPKRATOK.

Ml. in AddrB- ograph. Grai'botype oUiar ofnee tnacmnary, stuvira um wWe there is chanca for aa- Tancetnent. Apply 2113 Ewgreen fanw. Hanniton.

BHIPPINtt AND RECEIVING CT-ERB. 1 YEARS' EXPERIENCE PWJ SHOE department aaaiptant or deairea lli. 'idUi Run A I EH Liaeful waiter, city or country. 1203 Bryiana aven ue. giiimi YOUNa Man (Ml, handy with tools and ie- rnnnicany lncunen, (jeairoa nuia Sun.

YOUNG man. married, 7 347 food education, de-airw stlaried position; hare machine ana Mlea-niaiiship ahiliu. 3l8. Bun. TOL'NO MAN.

21. would lika to tag Up tn- reatigation work. wun. YOUNG MAN 3 yenra of age. dwlres to fonnret witJi reliable ttrtxtetl.

fceth for reference and lntarrtew, ad-drr Rok Sun. Vol'NO man. 10. high-acnool eommerrial cour ar.H.i.f romin tji nv at id Hit. eloenenced 'typist, willing worker, wants nlaca witn luture.

wan can you tmrr 1 mitiT. TOENMi man. intelligent, energetic, desires office or aajesman poition who. cnanco iot auTtuice-meat. 3077.

Sun. roCNti MAN dwire fniidc selling. 3 yann' eKpenwce. Andreas sr.z. sun.

YDMNIJ Man, 1:4. doairs poaition of any kind, willmir to travel. Acinresa aun. OENtJ Coloretl Man. eperienceil painter, wants i.if,,, rr4rnailf hauiua.

JAM I'Tfs YOt'Nti married roan, 24 (colored). srliicatM wutiM wit. ni any sua. im uccuiioa ai- MvliR'in ALUAHiU'NU Maltiniat wishes job as mainte- lianre man. Tli w.

iX'Pligiiai at. H1UH-CLASS. Pependable Salea-ian with long record present employers win consider oner in Ball Imurn iifld; 20 ycara'aiiTeaaful experience; oiiaiiB pronucer: uietuw. umi- Addrera SfttM. Mun LAW GHAPrATK DKKlItBS POSITION.

ADDRESS 3)1X1, SCN; nppTfiP. ion da ic.tii- Ti-lMfA eM-ira. tary-aianograpner, iiio. itiinioT MARYLAND INSTITUTE: night atudent, 19 year old. desires poauion in msumoo A.ldreH 37S 1.

8un. i.r.i', sen 1 to "Py UnmBTTlMJ, eji-iir us iu- huh dci-artniiint atorw where crirtey, tactfulnew and a gpiimne deir t3 other will be asaeta mamy in nis ravor. kuiuk experfeuct: can furnish good aesira penouieu wm cuua -iui ture. Addw Ru HELP MALE (16) AUT01I0BTLE SALESMEN To sell Cherroleta. tha world most popular low ea.uh Hftt -ut in or ganisation.

We need about, 8 or 4 extra men that can priiiuce xaae cara "i 10- wuti-yi, 19-lt. Vary fair working conditimiF. Our naleamen know about Una ad. for partJcolara BAKER KOR CAKES, EXPURIEJiCED. 13 BARRETT fi rat class.

FISCHER ft ZITO llAUnKK ig-ti iv ar Anply IWe.lcra lIMal Barhar SIl wantol. Apply DK LUXE BAHftER SHtiP. 1' rafiimount a.s BuYii To doliver circular. Apply 8a liar- lonl roail. Blir TO WXIVR5 ORDERS AfPT.Y t'LlrTON AVKM'E.

BOT WITH BICYiXE: VfST BE KEAT. An i.i on r.i. i BURNERS, BOLTERS RIVETERS, CIIIPPERS AND CAULKERS Apply BALTIMORE DRYD0CKS Lower Yard Locust Point, Md. BUSHELMAN Experience, mt fine diatom tallortnf. JCWtPH SCHUrPS A SON, tun lysjxinii.on nrvn.

RI'SH W.MAN ANTKD AT $20 SOUTH I HAKLM AT ONCPl APPLY 40tt NORTH TPTAW ST. OANIY Salewuanager winted by weU-known tra-le and liata auxewrftd recrtnl for putt yeam. najary to sian per weea with adnnrement. Do net tnwar un less von ar a real salesman with clean record and know to goods youraejll gad trainiM other man. areas aun.

CAItl Writer and Winduw Drawer. wxier. youutf man for chain attire. .1404 Baltinu-e si, Ai-Tiy an no in a pcaicl. i r.r;i CM ArKKKl It (white), young, actire Aor--) hum Parp ai nerween enq lu.syi CH ArFFETR.

experienced, to drita aU makee OT I'gra. ia. Monumwn ciiliHTiillSALESJIAN for retail inwaJ! men a crvur irood i-rnn un ity to righ partv. LKVLNSON fcUtli, VKM and v. aanintfiun.

COOK, experienced. wauind at one. 14R1 i hurl s'retji. Cl 'lTtR on xaerv'a puta. MFvi.

CO. seHnd noor. 37 Mherir I.IHTMti Opp earn tJOOneek ly. appointing aaleunsn: protav'tid ter, importM unferrastitel grape jvuV Wfita lucta. 42nd.

New Vvk Kl FCTHIC HKI.P1HS: night and Jny wort. M-NAMARA HKUS. (JUll Soft man WcBtpo't. ERRAND -r (ciilMwil. eipfivcneed in drinng niarhina.

'19 W. Baltiinura aU, betweeo 10 A. M. It i a t' bau'llf alia ti steady job. Apply inns -mi in a i GR'M'tRY 4 1-KRK for A.

4 P. st ore, age 18. stc UANPV MAN arouud bldg. mutt be able to dn eartaitfr wrli. cementing, etc wpHi.

Aiv4y or letter, ginng aga, ap, and rrfar- ence. ooio. oun. Expertenrswl fr4 roi'wtcx rail earn nan than 4" w1l Stale full pirtlcnl-r. Hun.

MAN. esoerieneeiT. aa "fripe i-lt-rk" in wtint. aale auto at-ce-rr Mnit ha muck mnti aa-corata la prviDg order and tbovougbly uiiucTai-iiu aisnuni. buju ntrure.

ret-eeenfe aaiary ernefted. Addresa KVi. Pma. MAN to aell cent caVea to nrcrT wim wnmw or iruca. aauu umnuim at.

MAN wita car to cuUect 4u4 keep a amall get nf hin-i 917' dsin MAN, Mtigia, nuke himeeif uful ua ahore: iiir l'r-irrl nr 7ftl ANA far retail lire- store. Ktat am itirit-. s-nK nuon ana eavnuna rajaaniy. a- irm roiiniieTiHae. AUUrea aw.sD.

gun. UK AT TTTR, cxeriaaioed. 27 8. CaxroU-ton aTenne. Mi-AT 'il KRS.

AnUr A. A P. TEA CO. MKA'f IXTCER Kinenenetd. for maxlwL Aiiply Hall 2U4 208 Ncrth ae.

market. MKAT ('utter fa- Friday and Saturday. S. 4 ft. a iM Lx.

I t'W jJtlxlXglOQ MKT Cutter: muat he nperlencad in buaiaeaa. Agpiy L-uzerne ave. MEN THIS IS THE TIME COME IN AND TALK WITH ALL OF THESE MEN WHO ARE MAKING BIG MONEY IT IS YOUR PRIVILEGE you are wtth in caab talue per week aa well aa personal iahie to your e. I am ture ywi wouiq aie 10 make aa mucfi money aa tlieae men ar marine. If you ar- wortb aa mnclt they are you would ba drawing the aaroe amonnt (er week.

Ft men only get out ot taia woriU jiut wbat they art wona. Think of world 1n ininintiM forty or fifty of the hicheat tne men who are making from 75. S1(W and more per week cnuantently. Yon are pnriieged to go out with tbeaa Btn and aae bow they do ft. Men.

ft to gettlna near rbrlstmaa and ft rseana more nuatier mtHt ivnt nA -ni are making a lot isn't ao hard to hara it. Let'a foe) honest with puraelrea and famine and graap an opportnnitv that will permit you to give to yonr families and nur-aelf tie pleasureB and necessities of life. This la t.ll flneafc tnrl1t tnrm Is. America. Rut il ia nA tii kind ni t.hh selling yon may tbink it is nor ia it tb kind yon would objert to.

A highly nignifled man of good character and of neat appearanc Is the kind of man wa want in tbig fewmeas. We are not afselciRar m-n mrtn aa tt Um canrastar gr ordernaker tip. APPT-T AT ONCP THIRD FLOOR MERCANTILE SAVINGS BANK BUILDING SOUTHWEST CORNER PARK AVE. FAYETTE ST. ASK FOR MR.

HENDLEY MEN (3) tn complete salea force; experience not neceeeary. ai use re neat ana rum imr education. F-uana ct.mmiHsion to atart. FULUCIt BRUSH Ainr-nean mug. Neat "who need'" wnric.

'CWU ana ee L.Mf,au3, lwt ureeaunouni arenue. Din-ct sales. MFS, experienced tn tracing skipa. Apply from fl to IP A. M.

jUii, N. iy st. OPKRATtJK. eir-erienced on L'nie-wood hook- kfeping machine; atata deeirad. Addreaa oun.

wantod at oiLca. Apply 102 Smith KegCBter atrpgt, PAPKKH ANOKRS 2). PAPfTTtHANi.iF.1i8. Apply 111 North Monroe treet. (Jilinor 179.

PORT Kit irolnruU drua tr, also to drive car. nt.r.iA uklu oiukiu, rara neagnia and Bt'lredere. PRINTING SALESMAN Yonnff man for Inside nositioo. Addrewt 3242. Sun.

RADIO REPAIR MAN Young man who baa bad eiperience In renaming ull makm of mod.rn radio. RADIO HrPPUr 1724 N. Charleg at. KAOtO rienlce Man wiUi car. thnrotighly ex-perienceid on all inmiiil Atwater-Kent radios; Smui pay.

Full details first letter. Addreea aKiJ.Snn. RADIO SKKVICR MAN. all-year Job to proper man: rrnly caible need apply; reference, UAOR PTANO 421 8. Broadway.

BRA I. KSTATE SALESMAN. Apply 1014 Bli AIM ISH A Iv. iRUlUUVKJ. BKPRKSE1STATI VK, with folltiwing among ar-c bit acta, consulting engineers ard baildew of Baltimore and vicinity; aplendid opening, nat'hnamifacturcr.

Reply by letttr. 2fllS, Sun. SALESMAN FW riiffh'tiiu churn ntni-o aim 25 to 80 Tear. Must be erperienced in retau candy aud cigar selling. State aje.

eiiwrience for the last 5 year-, reference. Strictly confidential. Addreaa mm. SAT.SAT ATsT Prmai-ait nrMUl4Mi. Innd inrona aaauead a man who will iwirk hard.

BUHCH MHTAL VKATHE3tSTKIF capable of intelligently tntatlew-ing busintas and profession si man. We hare an idea to convry, but nothing to sell. with can for tne counties alaa Pay dally. lnt E. Pleasant Room 1US.

10 to 2 Friday and Saturday. SALESMEN Experienced, for established laundry route: ref erencea, Apr-ly THI-3 RMPIRB JAUNIRV, and WmetiMter sis. SAl.KSMIflto sell direct to consumers patented article, permanenr: snouJd niaae in nery hours. AddreM 8030. iiun, giniig phone num-ber, if powible.

SALESMEN Ootaide saltnnen to sell on instaHrnant bails. APPLT N. GAY ST. 3ALfMBN i4). to traTel.

elec. eaiwi-ence unnecessary, drawing acct. and commission: 140 weekly draw. Call MR. CURLEY, Calrert IrtOO.

5 to P. M. only SHIPPINt; Clerk, nun with laundry or dry ciMimnc. vxjvnenctsi preierrea. Aaareaa r'Jb'J, Sim office.

SIIOK SAfiKSM AN for Saturdays; exper. THK HA.MIh.H StltlK. IB K. lUlto at. TAILOR and Pay street.

wanted. Apply 1746 North TENOR Sok irt wanted In fbwr of Mrtbodiat Kpiicoiiai tirrch. -OOy. win, Traffic Munacers Assistant With large ManufaclilTr. Star age.

oper- 'wine. Miirinnn and ttaiary. ufi. UP HOT-STL UKR. flrst-ciaas.

Apply J. O. MAT-THIVS, rear of 8 K. Fratitl.n St. VARIETY MOLDEK AND WOOD TIRXER J0HH C.

KNIPP SON 8, ftOO S. Pulaski at YOTTNft Men. clean-cut. intelltirent. ahout 21, for permanent putitiwi in our outsida mi-T department; big pay.

short hours. Apply lmkut 30O Maryland Trut Building. TOr.NG MAN, cayat to Uke full etiarge of luncheon-tte; refercnrirs. Api'ly Kinds, 2300 Failaw l'lace, C'irier wTentn. YOtNO Han, exii-rienced piwK products and cuid our, in-im Miraeu YlM'NG Man.

evivnenced Radio repair wtK. Liberty 4tfci. from i.whv f. a. A LARGE COHi'OKATION wauu a graduate of a recognized college or university to train for work of an executive nature.

In answering state college attended and year of graduation; give also age, height weight and business experience to date. Address 2987, Sun. fcxPt.RiKNCET) SALKMMAN for looae-leai de- parimeot, in retail stationery ature. bun on ice. GOOD POSITIVB COLMX'i'UR.

must kni city, hare fair cdocaiiceB and good raercnot. AiMres Sun. NOTICE OF EXAMINATION. ThM Ktata int.t(ivmm; rrvtitiiiewion nf Van- land will hold an examinauon for Iiisiwcwr, i fiiuusrvirifan i rafcfimasrt. uirv ua a in La Tluta, Manlaiul.

on Monday, NtrremtMr 29. IMS. This examination is oren to reaidenta of Charlea and St. Mary 'a count un only. Applv ST1K FMI'MiYMKNT COMMISSION.

l.igr.t atreft, Baltimore. OFFICE SUPPLIES flood rhartet fnr Tonne man In mmrReecial ata- tion7 store; attrtctlre to an actire aoa ncicm man. Addreaa mm. TliOftortiHLV eai-erimccU with giKH penonanty, irr ttoraga and Hauling Business, Mut hare bet rcferenca aa to ability and lnrrity, Good opportuiuiy ior Uia right VK uwnUxa fee a. ulwmin CHAMRnilUN WEATHER STRIP i.

rTii kij. e. WANTKl--Kor Notei'ibcr Ut. relisble, hvtieot farmer with help: milking srvmt 15 rows; all modem aquipruent. Apply, firms T'lUtat particular, retereuoa aiid Miary.

i ben eu be ten. S.VH9. Sun. VANTKl Hy t'haritibla Curporation White wan (over 331 ror otrtce ana wauagensi now-tlort. Apply tVi N.

Caitert Maryland SIT. MALE AND FEMALE (17) WANTK1W By middle-aged uple manacttiiHii apurtraeiit housa ur farm; Uentlica. Ad- s-'n HELP-AGENTS, CJ-NVSERSCIS) CAN EARN $3 EVERY HOUR rJAM-MKN AND SALESLADIEs 9iltrj hiaaa Tarda rn I Saa rrniinner Trie Biort t-iutlfl line in Ainrrica. truauillj isrn cMs aell en stent, we tie-lUs-r and coiwt. Call la wrsoa or writa tROCfcW rMsRATTTfO COM INU.

VJl CaJ'ert Bnildioa. NTRSI prmctiptl, eni-tonlld or MerIy ladj in Gil. WlW. nnd.Tirrdiite. jowt would liive Iunt; rrfTHn'ai irhii.ipJ- 3'.

a HV.TA YliTfcWG itAl'lltlt. Ml-anauwil AdAtem 3K. Hun. mvxittite. thoroughly miliar wiifa off it xuutiue; beit rttcrencc.

vfcjiN' rami -j. RUESrKKS piiHITION WITH roNTK.ii'TOR OR Bl.ll.DF.K; kx i-1 Kit i AurniBss ai'g. s' STKMXJHAPHKH, eiinenrl ipn1 ot iVe wrirt, datres rKion. Vwnoo M- 9TENiiCltAI'yrR. rra ra' eipeiienca in lenl ofli-e.

LIBERTY 7877. STENMOHAIMlEil, yra' haiidl WOMAN (col'tTHli. from North Tamlina. wants UHS BUANTI.y AVENLR WOMAN (wloreil-. neat, wouicl ik bafhelor atrtmeat to citu tnonutif.

aiaa. ow- si. roMAN fcoluml), cwl. liglifc bouaework; lub-urbsin. lSiH Winriiester nt: WOMAN wiDt m-floor work a.nd WOMAN (eniorHlt ama part-tua Of all-day Hotie i(S.

WOMAN (coiorMl, priite family. ry day or weea ii.ii i.avrey ai WOMAN wivhea iiMicral bouaework. KAST MATHSON M'BKCT. OMAV (cfjl.Tr i waau day 'a work, horn or out, Hwii. WOMAN ii-ol'etll.

ejperienrei, wanta euokiiw WOMAN 'eolcrredl. rFliabk, wiatit cuok a place; ivferenaa. Brant WMAN (r'i7) wiaboa 4 half-daya wtfckly. mnn lwt'J WOMAN trulorwli wanfa half tune work, 8 until 1L' Oflt. Maiinnm WOMAN (cclnredl aa nuns ur chamlienDaiiJ ran new; memicia.

ManiSMiave. WOMAN (roAW!) wiaiiM home. WOMAN (colored) wanta work aa maid or plain 1M AN dtviru I'lain aevTing reaajcai)if Mailitrr. 19KK-W. Jut' N' Ls'ly wiahe! rmaiient pohit itn.

1') rv entr. in tnjoupfi. uen-; can csemie itmugli9 pftine rels. 3711 Kim. ifOI'NG dtjairei wrk eTpninaF, Saturday aiiernfOTt; awieunai eil'.

oi-m. on. ItorM IjAUY St her with ann erp. dirpapart or nroe. aWjf.

un TuT.Vt wtwTiui (colwwlt, neat, rfflned, deairn l-nrt-tune ntur uiurntnga tn city, a daya etk. I'bun UUmor 8182-W before 12 l'ul'Nfi icf)lor1) wamo wants laundry or Yul'NU woman (colored), neat and reliabt; maul or gttierai wore in wiau lamuy; rwer- o'tt. wan. o.

TTNNTSii waitt liht hiniMrork. Addrea IaTJnIok foltT kwor kufebence. 'llSITION Wsifit1 by Jnunif lady. tT)ist. die Unbone and tettpbon ntwrator.

ceiitTt office worz: Mgn irnwi graduaie. win RKKINKb LADY AS HOrSKKEEPER In sentleinan a or inoUierie Nm pumerred rity or aiibiirbf; references. Wnta lliJit Wast sortn srenue. HI ri MIItOLE AOEI) WOM AN AS OOM KW'EKIil WOMAN; A (iHUL MIH'HK KKKPKW: ItWT KK.FimKNt.'E.S, 311ft, Son. Wmnan with ehfld.

11 yrura, aa nounpanion, iinrta or boiuekaepar for urnaii atuiii lamjiy. nun. SCHOOLO litis (roiored) deairea work aftar J. vemnD mi alter r. m.

VIRGINIA lr (colorwl) vciixet rook or maid; amall family; aUy nifbta, refertnea. r-'4 Mnoner A NTEJ t- fhiy'a work or apt work or half time; rererfiice. in i entre at. WANTEl Pnrt-ttrae work mornine or CTe mill, lnt w. i anvai.k Tnwr.

HELP FEMALE (14) 'ARTIST SfXPlTRIRNm) FASHHrV AHT1ST FOR (INK t'F THK IA Itri'AKTMKM' KTUKKS. Ol'POIt- T1XITV. SA.Ml'LKS OF WORK in yoi'R iimi btatk kx-1-KR1KMIK A.NLl SALaKY tXl'tCTBU AUltKltisS SUN. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer bating aome experience In mill and biiKlnewa. 8147.

Son. IMppen ami Parkers Mperietirftf fll nijiJi prml I'lKii-omte. MAVIS l.AUh, t( Market PI. Oth fltor. Candler Hldg.

C1UMH)LaTk lilPPKH FUt'tiT-OtABa. Ai). COOK (white) for bnarrliiia Apply 4'25 wim a suiKKi r. FINISH EKS, N. COOD.

ON FUR3. El "TAW ST. GIRLS TO MODEL SHOES SPECIAL WORK APPLY 10 O'CLOCK TODAY OFFICE LOEWS CENTURY THEATER GlRl (wbitej, wno are atrorif and" well to lrm to oe waureaaea. lumy aotiar mouth with hoard; two In a room and washing. EaptTience.

not nwensary. 4iit ae, lifitrtit. weight and reftrencea. Persounal-S, halfontt- Had don Hall, Allantie City. GIKU, neat and alert, to leirn window shade wranpinff, aewmg.

etc. COLUMBIA MILLS, 81 12 8. Central av. IR1.H to nuke thcniae4roji useful In Apply ORl.OVB 4k SCHWARTZ. Fiiyette atreet.

factory. 21 W. tilRIS (2i awibt in book store; vugm SS week advancement, i fc iiulu, rara ae. lilKL to oiHate paper box wire-atitcbiiig ma-rbitm. 11 J.


vertna ta warre at. LAOIES. rt-fliml, to measure and fit aurglca B'Hporta. coraeta and comet braiiere; no m- nry nedel to bewin liberal coniiniactoiut Addwaa 3fi2. Sun.

LADIES to all direct ailk lingerie, grade; none. wmi. un. LADY wanted who understands work on fun. is.

KAONtt, a usntra at. MACKINlii Kd Baater on man a cuaU. CUi Operators. Experienced On Sinner marhlnM: miwi la arila to An flrjf neat wore Bna.i JJHUI1. 1 no ua trial HuiMtng.

OI'ERATrtRJt ON VFSTS. APPLt ft N. Kl I AW 4TH FLOOR. OPERATORS on Reece huttonhol macbtna. Ap- ply 9 N.

ritaw 4th RUBBER HEEL TRIMMERS Experienced, for night work. H0LTITE MFG. CO. EARNER AND OSTENP ST8. A LESi I expentnred ladies men or cnimreai a ready -w-wear or anoes: gooa salary.

Apply after 11 A. M. GOLDEN BLR (j h. Mti ai N. et.


to take ordera boos ana ct3v 1 Vennn h' S-LESLADlEa (8 for wir direct drea de- jmnmpni. Appty una Mnnaey Miqg SAl.EIiADY. exinencetl, ladies' ready pwear aiiare; pemianent poKitom and toa aaiary; SALESIADY. p. In flue candy shop.

Apply SALESWOMEN, exy.rinicad, for coaU and iirewen; nnot, excellent aaiary, CHARLES Vri X. Charles at. SEA ST RKfs. young woman fo- upholstery ma renal. irMonntt it.

tldg. SJVRETAKY Kiiwrteni'ed. cmble and wIlbnE ui ao oxac-ung wora. tiiTv 111.1 panicuitira aa to ace. eir-sTum1 and n1nr 3fl.M.

Siin WAlfRrS. eiierimcaU, foe lunchroom. 407 W. ua nm x. Wi AN Auihittoua.

mar -3 loajil. high acboo) gTidtutc, willing to work lai'nTuny ior rrai t-wineea mrvmm ana nnure; (via trarej; cuupeuaUou gtnve thf arrae. Writa fully; giie i-e. Addreaa 2007. Sun omre.

inirMwrjeT.r l'Ol'Na LADY, capabla to take chanre ff lunchenelte: refer nice, Kinds. SSt.H rraw i-tace, comer avenue. YOI NO LADY claa grora-y Addreaa HtW. Kientilr1. a)eiajy in huh itata aaperianc and ulary.

Sun. "iOCNti LADY for tenJfrapuic and office wTj, jmarrw wu. -'in. K1L'CATED Wcvnan deirou of aecurinf a vmr. man ent timrjon offering ufiuaua! adrantijea flnancially; rarti prontU'o.

Addreaa but 1 on 1 "-na ni en -n. FAi'TORY rcmaientatire caa eau US di rr-cr- tft 3, ahrwing beaut Uul Mar Row Emcka and gifget-ua Lingerie: majnwit un-TieresMf, 41 4A Eoujibl.t HI tiD1reet Sslf.l A A A RJ 0- few lierv bti-na. Norn Aft. Market, -tail 1W, between a an r. 11.

Rcquirv Several TlioioUKMy COAT AND DKESS Saleswomen Who batt bad tweaaful Ul.opfrlgcenter, a p-rienca and to wliom the conrwurtice of nur -nanea Mnrt nnop appeaia. Apply UR. IIOHI'KS. JOEL GUT MAN COMPANY lit HOBTH tlTaW 8TR1XT. SELL US TOUR FURNITURE FOR HIGH PRICES.

Jutt cell TerrusB 4IS2 tod tfH iit bate. wut l-iin. K'jr tn, l'luuix-iKmi. Bdrrsfrm hnit. ir-tmlM.

mgl yitrm of rvpry wt. ki'ciirtj lumiatiiijn mad mil kiod of MUiH. tke It ttlarC R. R. FOiMTCRK EXCHANGE, CIS Forrest ut.

Vernon WE PAX MORE FOR FURNITURE WANTLD SS IPRIOHT AND PLAIBt PIANOS. Vie wed AT OSC'L: 12 I.lttn. Roma Knttes. 14 Bftlroau) Anitas. 18 8uitua.

eed als-- Irjruht llanos. Flarer-rianoa. ie- trolaa. bailiin. pieces nf ererj kind.

If JOU 'ma uu CAKIJ, pboo us at one. FOREST FURNITURE Greenmount ave. Vernon 3409. Sell Your Fufniture Quick By I'hoDing VERNON 3244. XV 9 btr rtMtomn watting for Linitg, Dinfoff.

BnUrrjm Suilea. I'lanom. ViclroiaU. Gla Keuuei. Um lioxea, Pea.

IDEAL FURNITURE CO, S4T-847 Greenmonnt ave. Vernon 3244. UIGU SPOT CASH1 For uwd fnniitnre. Wanted HO bcdmoni, 2S liririg rtrnro, dmmf room iraitna. odd initios.

Tv-trolM, fa rmagtav Old luTuiCur Uieu 10 srhftoa for mew. KOT'AItK DEAT. rUBVITrmH firtimniint ae. Vhsub MODERN FURNITURE ANI HuUKbHOU FKfKCTS. Imtw and lets, entire Pri.niLt lttt1Sm.

ftl VrtMi 7HS1. T. C. W. HOBB3, 7(l8 N.


CALVERT a.ise, NIGHT. FORhsT tiCtr, FURNITURE AND CARPETS Will tail tiish Prireo for tmrntme. cinwti. etc Modern and antiqn; ointde fieoea or entire nonifnomB. wui can tnymoen-.

IOXMAN. 2ftit2 if tun av. Lafayette Don't Give Your Furniture Away, WB CAN CKT i'QO UOMB MONE.SC. KtBrf Dfttiuid. Promt iMttlrrnmtt.

0. T. Rutterworth Co Auctionpers. TO 8. Howard at- Pta.4W.

LIOUflB. (HQ IPltfM. IKK tir Oia IlITnilures. ah sals ar atrirtljr rcnitilAtul and the Trry hnet picfB are Hlwed. Call Tiiti Lorraioe OaJMin' Pnrctiaung uffica.

831 N. Ciiarlea itsitimoTf, no. CALL MIS FIKST, CALVEHT 5754, i'or your Fnrniture and Clothing. Modem asd Ankiqne urnttore. F.

81 It AN, tJreene and Saratoga an. WB SPKCIAI.12B IN SALES of AntlanM iipiMit.i itnir. apt ihiiot. mt ii-it uf lattts lota of aiiule virct. Call ru for li T.

MHVKU. AUCTION liAUXRIES. 708 Kottb Kosard ai, i-noiio vefnmi FURNITURE WANTED Of all dtwrlt'tfpna. RRfi prpca pa HI. TT.


Plun. Lafayette 441s. Write Mr. Victor, 1327 VV. North Ave.

fiwtiiiv'Ti hi ri i'ii it en vrp .1. HUMAN, to rrlt nc lA-xmgum r. VKI lint-Water Heating Boiler, ijw ft Ad (item ox rutii. AN tMitii(ir litvailil't t.Siair. Httnevtixid 47fiO-W VI HNlfrHK Warned Mutsern ft antinue.

Ijn roln I04H t'einia, ae. Ver. MK.N'S CMtTlMNG and Hhoea, big prieoa paid- nth A i in it- fine n. x.v.m. UH.II IMU' FS PAU fi i-uniitm ft Pianos.

MAX. w. Kainuiore at. mrji. BID Mut'KH for doth i.

hia, Wrine Ap- CA1.I-. me flrrt men's clottiing, J. WI0 Sprirwhin ave. I-'oreat ffttl" J. WANTKO of all dmcriptiona.

S. Tal Wimi. 71.1 AV. st I i A -N'T W.

try I VlW lit wird it. Call Vmrai 40R1. Lr TO S1U KOK MEM '8 SrilS. ftt-UFSSES. KfVKKN.

IV4K N. rarer (iibnor PI or F2. Clifton at TaMMA at rplil Antiuue triiltura unls; bur prlcc-s TnaiJ. KRfH'T. 10 SrriTir ar.

Wolfe 'Jflht HELP HOUSEHOLD (12) tXK-K (white) OliiU APT. 5. litli reference. MAllLBOR Ktttaw riaf-e. COOK.

Iirai-claia. reliable, refarencea required GIlMt drliil.) for llrln with A ii I-aktf 1 Tirr. til 1(1 or woman (white), fnr k'tmrral luxmework tit'lp take ram of to gtd liuuie and fttav niBJiW. ,414 K. niiunieiit bi.

UJUL Iwhiia). housework anj aMt cmiti, itny a lanniiry amaii tamiiy m. tilKT, fur seutral hontaewarlL Api niiy ar. IIAIH iwhitts). tn do cuakiiur amrtancnt for two.

N. Charlea 2nd fir. MAID (cohered), neat, general housework; apt. "if nignia; reierence. a an iao.

im. NURSE! wliiM. cara of child 5 yrar old and nuiidinii; referencca required. Vnirmity 2U4i, to 10.80 M. NUIiSK rwhitet.

practical, care of Imby and Resist with child; aiao mending; t-15. Call TuxmIo 3181. Nt'ItSE (white) for boy 4 years old and for 2nd floor wrk in anburba. Call MRS. Dl'ER.

Evergreen i't4. NUUSKf, (wliite), to cara for two- am an enikireti. i rnor road. H'miciard. WAITRKcfi preferred.

Shady Nook fi lmrk Catonmlle. Call Catoua-He lieiween 1 and 3. WOMAN (white), middle-agrd. general honae- WtK: atay night; good no washing. Apply bttweea J.

30 and 8 P. U. U401 Rubb WOMAN for gemml hoiJuewn-k: Oernuui u-rred. ivlj iisgnu, aiiiat nar netweuc. t'nlvenuty XMl.

rail WOMAN young, whita. to do smieral house ware taiar? and noard. Apply Xi ks. ROOKS 4-111 ipmner WilMAN lEuioin), Frrncb preferred, to took atier reboot children and asaiat ta maid; way nightiy UnHersiiy 24ti4. WOMAN a and for first-floor work.

Apply iJ'HlHWRb WAX, liO.llOAMJ. PbonP TCXET0 11118. WOMAN (white or colored), general bouwork, plain cwimtiii: 3 aduli-t. Laf. IBM, PERSONAL maid in country; must 1e able aew weu.

press tiid pae; attlrti; Protaatant nd rorpiiiee preferred. Sun. SITUATIONS FEMALE (13) CHAMRlTRMAin nr parlor mai wishes pml ik in muwna or country; eaceiifnt reier- emfw, to (i M. Paul at. CHAM HEKMAI1).

waittng nr num (white), de- irea pmrnion. cuy or country. 3Btg, un. COMPANION trt cWldm during day; abopiiing. COMPANUiN Nuree Rrflnnl.

adaptable, neat i rterencas- hi. sun. COOK. 1st clau. boustwork or laundreaa.

raf- erenrea. Ma.iisi'n f.r.."i2. DKESSMAKEK and Tail in your home, Iailliai and n)l4aUK llraaaUlMl en. Also remodel lug rem rig drewa and wraps a specialty. City nitiUToa, a day, IV A.

31. vo r. Sim. DRESSMAKER and Tailoring, flrt claaa. wants van.

a. mi on at. ft'iinna tiiimor iW-Mi-J ENHR-AVEH- -tiraduate of Bowman Technical fi-nooj. oi ft. tiav alto baa sr eral yeam" ei.sprience at dark.

KI'TH 8. BAKU. loJa. Pa. tilHL (colored) age ltf.

rcflrml. deiraa light owHvori ur nur-wiii; nay aotiM mgliLa. aai Bnmt at OIl tooloml) wisbm petition. wiltnai or gnfnii nonsewoiK. er.

si in. wanta afteruooa or day' won. t-illtL (colored) wanta geuerai hauaework." 2034 rnun tun uti, GIRL general houaewotk. i ir.m r. pi nr.

hi. UlliL tcolutvdi wis'111 work, atay soma mghta UIRE wishea plain rooking or general bouse- latw; reifrencee. ihi urnid tuA ate. OIRL i I wanta wivk tn city. houswotk caring or cni.iiren.

auw HTenrwood arc. til RE (romred aa cook or maid; rafarracv. Oltfl. (COlOTMl). neat half or wbol tim; N.

Mount at. U1RL hea work of any kind no (J JUL iln-dl wiabea day a wcrk. pmaacetiL 4tin)j i ItlltL icolnred). nt. Virginia, a maid atay mw nmhta.

lain hUraTm st. UIKL tikKMi bouaork. no laundry. PCO Saratcva Mt. li EM'Sl ai child orer 2 yeara- terma modtrau; no otdacUon to 'MTI1 Mn.i lntaLlttnntly nmiprtemt settled A I nun.

LAUY. jniflhjent. raia.Ma of taking fn rtia'v of offica. bonkkkoctilnf and typintr: fa un: tar wiift interriewing- notary puouc hmii iivrn A(inrea atT. put LADT wtll rare for ch'Mren or iiira'ld partway iKhitei.

wiisliaa work tt hott. TtOTie i r. i mp irwi.t w. minUtn aaabiug or cleaningi refer- LAl'MiKlM iehei wnrk. booia or out.

J17 rvr-a ae. Wad TO-VT, M'HSE. pid an tnriU caa or 13 or 20 faotv duty, at oncw, Fcrtat 7-W7-J FKMALaE PFTT. aiteeew. SBTRfTARV STKNi.m;haPH fcR Must be feumiiar with buod; abuut i'5.

Kalary STE NOCtRAfiLLB iUt sauiAui. lJta)i I ment Siiary TYPIST P. B. X. ODen-or ta aimerrise vriu: aula Salary Sib.uuj EXTXTT1VP A HALKS DEPT.

Mr. lwia SiMoa AOCorNTANTS Ann trarel C. P. A. training.

Salary year and eznenaea. CREDIT MAN Ace 28-35: local. Most be thoroughly ezineored. Salary a year. SALESMAN for men aaed from 2-to 4.

Vanoua eipcriencra wtLb enablithed vtrriivajej teas. MFS'S A RTM FTVT Iff- VrJMvtvth ASSISTANT TO TRAFFIC MANAGER Age 1 rejDuadence. etc. industrial rn- en esentisj V5.00 INVENTORT CLKRJi Age 21-28i good flgures. Knowledge of discounts aud in- laAW C.RADrATg EFFICIENCY SERVICE SIS Bid.

raVert 4293. FKMALK T'FPARTMT. BOOKKEEPER Mut be A-I doibWrrtty tHXauerer. evel ent ocoortiniitT. central lor-i t(fi.

mnnefl ennronnient WmiKKEKPKR Experienced to handla amall et of Innkn IM UKHUUSOIT caDanio: aiirl eulvanrs n-nf. EXBCCTTVK for large insurance concern, tturt be A 1 with abiliiv: well adocated. good per- sonaitty ana ariperanca. auy ocen BiNILB WRAPPKRS (S). age 16-1T; muat ba oineneoi-ed; pemianent puutloa, advwice-roent assured B0RMAN ni J-4 Muusw Kilt.

Misa MATONEY MISS UTENOiiRAPHFTI Mast snow li. and Ji.a in 1-jiat BaltuDoie. 525.00 BOUKKEEPEB rreferablj with aelliiw v. RIWIKKS-FPFR Uu. kant arm.

aHwiafl tt rtnoarartv of Hampden: ta- r.l SlfiOfr STKMKinAPHKR Rapid. Toe several montln' iminio ABS1HTANT Slrd tor hotsl: also Sods Dia-nenwr. 21 N. P.ra irt, COOKH. AVaitreaaea aod Laundreaart furnished cm Bhurt noUcc.

M.fl. .,443. COOK, mill, (whitat. iHinlte. niclrt work.

Ki.i,iaHLE. i fc.utaw at. riwo. KF.I.IABM: Hrtn, nrREAO OP OCfTPATIONK. t41T lurt Kqaara Bmldlna.

Caltert 0ST1. W'REAl- Of OCCI PATIONS, UlS-an IWt Kiriare Bills. Cairert 6S71. LBV ICE CO. No res.

Bftfl tarlnatuo Bids. BKI.IA71 Ui SOUTH 1078. HMJ1 FUHNISHKI. TOS 8. rHABLFS ST.

901-54 II XNH BfII.DI0. INSTRUCTION (22) TUTOR con arrsue tn take a few er hi "la re in ar of the fMlowinr sabiectar EnlUb (a aperiaJty. Laun, Gree. Mathematics, tbe aorial acienres and coUaffo subjects. Tenna reaM-iable.

Eictltfut refcrencea. Address 3.171, Suu. BF1AU t.MJ tare. i cia Cuu ra. f0.

Must modem methoils. Practical perince cnarsnteed. Iay and erening classes, f'anj paymertTs. MAYRKJXW HONOPR grHOOI. Of RkAUTT CIH-TTRE.


in 10 to 20 leKiwn. Ak fur catalog. rbrKeiwn Si liool. 122 W. Franklin.

Ver. 6532. BARBER COURSE, $25 Baj, Night Call Onhr st Mate OlTire. tl N. si st.

Crrl'S BARBKB SCHOOLS. City Hall. at wir K. Baltiinnr. at.

arhool. LEARN BARBER TRADE Ttar Nihr. T.isr ta-eiaL n0 eonnectiona with any other jcnrxil In Baltimore, fall only at HEN Bfome firemen, brakemcu. colored train or Bleei'inj car marten; experience unnecessary. numth; good roads.

Write Inter. iHnt. Indianapolfs. Ind. LKAHN TO DRIVE on our cars.

$1.50 lr noiir; on ymir car, f.i cenrs. tail hwci. amnt. LEARN' Tit DKIVIC a car In leMona. Calvert Kefer'nce furrjished.

LESSONS in drtvins. HUPMOBILE CO. Eddie Sprigg. 428 h. rreaton St.

Vernon 8444. WILL teacli you to drive any car; leons it- aa car. in Ttmr car. ai nr er PROFESSIONAL (23) EVGT.TRH VocabaJarf building, sramtDar sr1 Dii.Miaaa mjrreapoimenre tor auuits. auiaii aroiip, meeting one uiglit a week.

Attention to ilidiridml needs. 3000 Sim, ot llwd. CAPABLB TFACH1CU OP P1AMO KVV PUTINS 111 LtHrUlLlt, CLASS. IS ets a le-sun. 3121.

Sm. DANCING (24) ALL stales of Stags and Ptllrnom Dancirm. t-oraey a Hamrwit nan. tuu ave. Adalt claases Mnn.

10.31 P. M. Pr ate day and night. Call Mad, 1011. CHARLES E.

PATTEN fcreimlre school for bajrinnert. ttJOlt N. Broadwaj. Prirate Ipsgona by appointment. Wolfe 2fi4i.

GKNTLlMAN teaches beginners, also tmlltoom fancy and stage oancinn; tinrste atudio ana msxrociions; rennea stmospnere. er. FRKY Sisters' Private Studios. Quirk method. 315 N.

Fnlton stc. Gilmor WINK'S Prmte Dane Studio, 108 W. N-rtb ave. Prirate IpJiwm" da or niaht Mftd R751 LATEST STEPS IN OANCINf UiisUtbv young lady. instrncTtrms trirate MnniFrm PATENTS (25) H.

8. Brearlnitnn 4 8rm. Fat Attn. Krt. 1B Fro adnce.

711 E-mtt. PI. i'HlH MASSAGE (27) SCIENT-inO MASSAGING for snA wom en, violet ray treatments, ejeetnc uianset sweat i dr. Ji. manes t.

ort. VIOT.KT RAY. rJweflUh massage, graduate nurae. 13119 Maryland A tit. houra 10 to 7.

87? PARK PIANO TUNING (29) FOB riNB T0NINO AS1 rxPEET BF-PAlHINO CAULVEBNON 1301. MMilo 4 OK Penna. ani ffrankltn at. IMA NS limed. retiret: 2f vear' errrlenes.

KfiBSA 1ST1.20SBW North STORAGE AND MOVING (30) DAVIDSON Baltimore's Leading Movers. Est 1S0Q. "Moving Bpecialutti" in Long Hauls. Padded Vani Cargo attired. Loads And Part Loads To AND FROM Washington, Richmond, Norfolk.

Philadelphia, N- Tork, Atlantic City, Boston, Buffalo, Cleveland. WANTED IMMEDIATELY Loads from Boston and from Norfolk. Loads to Pittsburgh, to Buffalo and to Cleveland. Very special rates. DAVIDSON TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO.

34 S. Eutaw St Calvert 2460-2401. BROADWAY STORAGE INC. MOVING Local and lone distance. STORAGE Individual rooms, locked.

PACKING. CRATING By experts. RUGS CLEANED Modern methods. "Thi Bett Wat ti The Broaitcty" 1TOS-4-SO-K-2S t- Fajetts Ht Prions BiMdal Kignta. I.ltrt Praia J.

NORMAN GEIPE "The Pioneer of Long Eault" Day or Night. Gilmor 5131 1204 EDM0NDS0N AVE. HAMPDEN TRANSFER 4Mr SnjRAQB CO. B34 Fails Id. U.

A. Parrtllk Cuir. J41 Loads to and trooi New Yora. Boston, Rnrnea-ter. HJt.lo.

Cle.e!au4. DsUolt. Ciacluutl Btrbrnnn.t ana Nrf- a METROPOLITAN STORAGE CO. Free Hauling To Storage. MIMS-HO LKX1NUTIIN eiTBEET.

Pbme C'alrstt C9I. Nlitlita, M'l Mil. KAUFMAN riBEPBOOf ITORAOK WARtH0C8ES, M4 w. Ufireits ua. Minima BIO 11 Unetns (Ill 57.

rail. nr 8 romni ran. S12 bad: small van, S4 up. Toeal aed long dl.t.n,-e. Hi IV.

llnlberr Movinu CO sg" Mortns loeal and Itxut Loads 14 aM as. Yaas Ui tins. a. Calboaa st 7 22 .100 1 Lout and Foond 8 Lots City and 84 Mall Order 97 Murine Englnea 87 Manure 90 Manage 27 Money tn Loau. 94 Money Wanted 93 Motor Cycles.

Bicycles 81 Monuments. Tombstonea Municipal Notices 99 Pardon Applications Patents 3 10 Piano Tuning 29 Picnics and Outings. 40 Poultry 92 Professional 2JI Proposals 98 Kadlatora and Fenders 77 Kadlo .......84 Real Kstste Country. 41 Heal Kslale For KHle SI Real ICstnte Sulinrhso 3.1 Real Estate Wanted R. B.

Wanted Suburban .....67 R. K. Farina and l.auua S7 Farms Country 08 R. for Rent Sub 44 R. for bxebanga R.

K. for Rent City 4.1 R. B. Sale or Rent 82 U.K. Loans and (19 R.

E. Outside of 42 it. K. Shore Property 89 R. E.

Sub. Home U. Water Front 88 R. E. Water Front Bent Rooms for Rent 49 Rooma Furnished 60 Rooms Wanted 64 Rooma Wanted Famished 65 (Situations Female 13 situations Mala 15 Situations Mala and 17 Special Notices 9 Stables end Bsrns 67 Kteainbhlp Lines ..104 Storage and SO Teachers Wanted 21a Tires.

Parta and 74 Travel 103 Tracks Typewriters Vehicles 81 Wsnts Welding and Braalng 63 PERSONALS Cio) Beautify Your Horns PaintlnB. Parjertnir. CaroMitr Work. Shins- Una Uinnif. J'huniiitig, ('eiuentlna.

all awiffral rrDuira and altf ration. A' ('esA Required Convenient Term iatloialpa sresi All Work utiaranteed. Home Repairs Co. 4SS Calrrrt Rids. PUia 2S13.

Lib. MOO. i Aonry Ort Oitr Estimate. PERMANENT WAVE, $4.00 KKf'E MAHf'KLfi: Bralo Trftt- nifut. Crm.

Haircut, 10c; Vimvt ware, a.ic: i'n aciflta, zi-ff. ah oiner wurn bi low hnctia. t'lirn Ml 6 r. M. hihI tf.

niif! Vri. tn P. Rt-'ial rnurt. 11 A- TIONOCR OOIIiHthor JiKAH'iT Tt tlK. INC.

Clurlw tt. trijDP ABSOLUTELY NO CASH Rmiiliytl. Pntnttntf. Pfinrlnr. PlonihtnB Caroen tor inf.

fcjfftric Wirms. Huuttntt. i Vmcnt Wrk. cic. 'its our aauo pajiiimit plan.

Kstitnstwi rhfcrfullj given. THK HKNKRAL CONTBACTlJiO 08a-a5-'JT-a-ai Park ave. VVrn-m (tHt2-44U ROOFING, $1.00 WEEKLY Oiianuitn(J 10 yean. Mo rash pnymnit. Home pamtintc.

patKn-hniiKiiui. wcxtd or asphalt atmiutaa. SIMMONS ROOFING CO 337 8. Grimily form.rly 7(h' at. Wolfs 8180.

iNiunt I'tninaw, iirpanwayjwi. NO CASH PAYMENT Paprrinir. tatQtJnf, carpentry. waatbrrsrlo- Dins, muting or any rriior sDom our autue. no jfiD too auiaij or too Dia.

KAST TtKMS. BT1NI1AITO CONTBAfll.NO C0MTANI, Unden ave. Vernon HOMK IMPRnVKMKNTS AKsmtlona, Faoprinr. Paiotirts. plumbloa, jioottna.

G.mI work at ooau CASH OR Tl RMS. HF7TTFB HOMK8 CON'l'MACTTNR toH B. ltmlon tt. Plarj 37M. Csl.


Iay Coorwe. SoO. tJivwl, ttwrt liiptrilctioim. PaoiMi fur Apptiintnient. Calrf-rt HISS f'AKHIK WI HTZI 10O N.

H'TAW F.OUM J03 NO CASH liKUIJIKKD. Sanalrt. aJttrationa or lmnrrvTnnemU. Plumh- ftur. hftfltlnir Itftric in(lllii nurx-nna p.itittiuit.

r(t1ag. taricra. Tl(iri(iM ftrtoc. Gout) WirK. low ert.

j-tlioawn rritennuj' glTtn. MD. COXTHACTING ISC, Fl lnlngton t. Plata fJSO. HiiJI IT MAT COM liltS.

Thi ta to notify all iiernutiN. flrnui and cr-tiorationa Hint 1 will not lie rfaj iille ttr or pay any dot'ia or o'llisaliona roni rattint niy wifa, 'EVreaa B. Ktka, au and after ftoteniber )-, CLAItUSCe A KRS, S3U4 nilt at Matiresscs Kenovated Sterilized, Renovated, $4.00 Up U. S. MATTKSS CO.

Work OuRrnnteed. Cnlvert HOUSE WIRING Complete With Fixtures Re enn-Hnred. Pricea A- tenna lowest. Ver. HA LEAK 1.LKVTKIC 1312 Central at." LEAKS MATTRESS RENOVATING 44 XEAB8- XPI.H1KX1K.

PL. U)ll-mi2. mt w. Il.llmwre St, HOUSE WIRING Slx-rnom hoiiaa with flttnrra: BX iWt aw Uiing npmrante1. Time i-'V'iiK'tJta if (ltired TNTERPK1SB KLGiTKIC INC 4 llHrre i-L Piioiie Culrert Rn7.



Renovated U0 'jiishU'Di, I'liiowaj Hoi Kemate. WR IHI POI EAt MATTHEWS WuRK lrjt jn Aiuati au-, "ROOMS PAPERED, $4 UP Hft. PnJwvhixmte) anil Pntnnn Ti Ml W. Tijui'n. Viii W.

Ofttud. Sb-p. Git, 08S9. rnrne. pu ma HEATING PLANTS Of Qtiajitr.

steam or hot water, yeara to oaf. 717 W. Nnh are. Tjif fill 1I.L NOT be mron-jhle for any bi ot her than thrj 1- ENE N.TII7 Ethelhert Plinllci OLD FLOORS RESURFACED 1S8.MI. Mtjhta.

MadWon Sti23g, VTcTRoEA Repairing leircrtl call and deluaf f-- v7 pfT rv sr.o'tj W.4VNTS (11) ANTIOPE ANT MOPFRN rERVTTCRB. CHINA. CtRH'S. OIL SILVEltVARE. timCE Kl RNtri RE, ETC.

i-AHWr. tall I 3. CALLS ANSWERED WITHIN AN H0CR. 70S X. ITownrd nt.

Vernon MODKKN AND ANTlglJB Pur'ur, Carpeta. Brae, AU Kindt rf Hmih.1 Prmpt AueitMi. J. il. GALTOX.

Park Temon 031ft. Do You Want Good Prices For yoor Enrnitnrg and drpeuf If ao, dtm't wii oerora you rill me. am wervrinng, wnpra. jii'T pivfie uwriy rr wnie H. T.FV1N.

Park are. prnpt attention, MEN'S tI'IHIN(i. Fnr rur: oaid. GERS4 iW. Pn'aw Ver MOfiFRN AND AVTtUt KI HM'II 11 1 17m Aiiceanoa.

cor. BrcaOway MkL VioMt bJ4l In Memoriam Instruction Lecai Notices Apartment Houses Apartmenta For Apartments s'urulslierl Apartment XuhurliaB Apartmenta Sub. Furn 4" Apartment Wanted Auction Sales Auctions Out of Auto Bodies and Top 78 Auto and Tnirs Hirine 79 Automobile leostis HO Auto Serrlca and Repalra 7.1 Automobiles 78 Automobllea Wanted 78 Board City ad Sun 61 Board Country and Mtn 51a Board Wanted Boata and Building Associations wa Buildluic Contracting 72 Business Floor Bnslness Offices a Business Office Space 4 Business Opportunities Business Property 6 Business Property Kent 2 Business Property Wsrehouse. Ml Bus. Property Manufacturing.

1 Business Sites la Bnsineas Ua Card of Carpet Cieanlug 28 Cenieterlea and Lota Coal and Wood Co-Partoerahlp Notlcea 101 Dancing 2 Deaths 1 Peteetlre Agencies 2" Dogs. Birds. Peta, S3 Bdncatlonal Electric Appllancea Electric Motors Employment Agencies 21 Farm, Garden and Borne 08 Florlsta 0 For Bale Funeral Dlrectora. a Garages 2 Grave Vanlta Ground Rents and Mtga 70 Ground Beuta and altga. 71 Hslla For Rent Help Agents.

Cauvasaera 1 BeJp Female 14 Help Household Help Mala Help Male and 18 Help with Investment 20 Horses, Lire Stock, etc. Hotels and PERSONALS (10) '(Cmtinuci from Preceding Pafl MISS WARD t-KFMM KXt'BRT rsnal Hir. Molm. varmuitlj Balumois's oWaa nublisbnl susclslu*t. H1U-tiDta ncUts xil Hhtn ailiisnMr.

1 W.t I'mnktui. at Churls. BENJAMIN CO. ESTABMSimn ADVA.N:re WATCHKS, JkWKI.ttX. WIAKaWAKK, Mi 4W FAYETTE hrt.

Ow and PAINTING AND PAPERING as mleeorsl bftne fr you St our km tttfc: eav wHkly i.r isnntH. ternuL SLAB SUN liEl'''KATINC. Tiny la-jlal it 10-1 W. cwitic it. W.

aff. ROOMS PAPERED, $4 UP GILMOR4695 aiMMONH. 4'W N. PlUH St VAiNfltiO. Slnt-lla Wftk; Hfttsutlai'lo I'tices.

Time I'syinPIlU il ions W. Lsiamtte se. Ptoao lt tAil-WB. ROOFING $1.00 WEEKLY Ko Ch I'aymsnt. 10 lews.

ENl-UKl-RlllE KUUFI.NO 1t ight t. South iAU'l). LrH01.STI.RIW) CU sSimrturo h1Hp1 uj opiiis dnliei POf twlmM. wtisftrtim. jmsmntenJ; afllBialp; coserfTillj li.rn.

1S7 W. Nj.iIi to. PAINTING rh or two yr to WJ. W't fiismnteaj.

atGTAI. WatiimtriV'ins ineaii. ctMHf'rt, also a aarins in J'our ooal bill, lla.e work dtw pnw aiij pay latrr. Cunniiicaiu Siteea nf hll.t Toraar tlrori- 3777 ROOMS PAPERED, $4 UP Work Gtm Prorl AttnHiop.

P. yirnil. 2041 Nnrt'i air. Mf. Wi1P Vf Al.l.PAl'KK.

Ta a CSiJt. a piwa; Poljcbltimei. JOc. a Wimlnw Slil. 411c.

i. THOMAS MKSSFB 10 W. Itslta. at DIAMONDS BOUGHT For mbK Also npraiMkt Raymond, ilogtiflf. W7 nvirlit? Hi die.

lft t-. trs In this ln-aMcn. jTI'RXITI'RE iln. Charles, tt'M be few MouflnT. lPBt.

Brown Moving W. tieiiiMt ton at. FIREPLACES RR.inT BI7II.T 8HOWB0OM Oat Catalrar. 1120 K. Our St or Wolfs WEATHERSTRIPPLNG HAl.riMORK WIN mR-STRlt HJ.

Timi 4Q7 V. MorKoro arc. Wnlts B41H. PAPERUANGING And nalnt(T. Oft cw rrsonahle wtfmatr.

O. B. 1U W. flmi.tit S.


TO i 12ia Ni'rth avf M.d. 4324 UKATUKllSTIIirt'lMI II WwKli and Nitliina Ii.wix CSn'F-KPRIHB WliATUKUSTRir tli Park Ait. V.mon 9M1 1111.1 KIVF k. mt illtl tractrt by Inr We. Vlol.l'lTli 1io has Mt my til and l'arj.

P.KR-NA Rfl HOrKINS. asltiuirton Bird. PAPERING AND PAINTING Tcrma S. Anoff, WI17 Qnnmbnrr. For.

7IW2-J Rats, Roachps, Bugs Ext. SAPP, SOS Ami-riran HMe. "al. S7KT. BKAIlQliAKTKKS ft Brief Cam, Lwtbsr lliyt.

PcketrHMika and Ky Tainars. Rnllv'a Loatbw Wlw. 24 W. Kajftte at. ROOMS PAPERED, UVF gTPPBMN.

gftgl N. Pii.aJd at. Ma1. WtflTJ. UJEaAUgLABrKItH ljf C-llara.

Hanuai, NirT 1m txjtuiiM for aiif deWt. run- traWtrNl hT bit wUe, Aii V. Cirtwa. I'AUL OS hom itnpriwmfiit a4 i4 fi. 37RI.

WBATUJ-mSTRlP row toa-MM with Nu-MftaJ topper: ait. ounir, iwn. 1M(V42 t'enna. at. Mad twit afU.PEHn-T.tOlS hair and facial ier.

manently removed. Mm Pntc. Mnluiie NeedJe Expert, 3 E. Centre at. Vor.

SU-I, OLD SLAO, AMhatt and Rorf lliV t. Baltimore st. 1M1, EOt'RB Wiring, wst ateet cabie Uned. Ilectrlc l.vji HgrTrrd td. vern s'f Wlredi reasotiaMe; brcwr-toui nTit.rea.

Jiiuer at unarm wone WAIXPAPKR Side Wall. 7c; Horjer, U. 3t.JHlON Arch tfu; porta made to i.rder; Riisr-antee graatftt cwnfort. J. J.

W. in. ITHtCEL WAX WAVE. lant- iudafl nite)T. NORA 3.

2A Park are. ral.4'0!. WtRPWOon FUlORB laid, rcTfnUhedrtem-i, R. I Rurkna Brnadwat after LF.AKN yew Tork Raitty Parlor. Park "DRESSMAKER.

MP boric. 11S IMvid KOOMd TAPI Rl O. 11 BdrewJ. Wm-heter ft. Mad.y1T-J.

IAISRGRUV.NS ai ') ShmWiery planteil; one ye -r 0 r7. in. A nevi tirertman ia PERMANENT WAE. fit.

TTA Wa.h. HJid. Cahett JtfllX JaCIAI HAIR reuifed Kitctnc SUPCOVKHS. ROOMS PA'. Mand nr.

XW S. Cturlwa. fr. CARPENTER-PAINTER. rnbiim woTic in rfiata irga.

i. niterity it.a", GROWN Out Permanent a Itiwavpd. 2 ANPFRSON. Uberty n. Cal.

Ollfl. AifEKKAN HEATINtJ CO. Um rneea on all heating; fi'rucnient ternia. ib iy.n. CART ENTER Wrwfc tea" -al.

JbWn jra ae Try. MR. TRR AT UR ITYC A ES. cprial a 1 1 en ion Xj nnr in her own htnnt. ec.

CAKPKVrUT B'liltVf: "fobbing a epenalty RobefttHi. ftm Monroe et. Ma.1. 7.iM-.T mALh VIWROLAS. RAPHW herawd.

i ttepwir b. l' w. MtHM'ry ir. er ariwi. 1L A i Jnh v-yrt: al-o rhitir.eyt flVrnHTSrtyftH rei.tiited 'Work iTllf GLfASLR, 2aT 8.

Broadway. WoJla 771W. (Continued on Vert Page.).

The Evening Sun from Baltimore, Maryland (2024)


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Author: Eusebia Nader

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Author information

Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.