How to Integrate Native Code with Flutter Using Platform-Specific Functionalities? (2024)

Flutter, Google's open-source UI toolkit, has revolutionized mobile app development by enabling the creation of beautiful, native-looking apps for multiple platforms (Android and iOS) from a single codebase. This cross-platform approach streamlines development, reduces costs, and ensures a consistent user experience across different devices. However, there are situations where accessing platform-specific functionalities, optimizing performance for specific tasks, or integrating existing native code becomes essential.

By leveraging platform channels, Flutter developers can seamlessly bridge the gap between the Dart codebase and native functionalities on Android and iOS. This allows developers to tap into the full potential of each platform, unlocking features like camera access, sensor integration, and device-specific hardware capabilities.

In this article, we will delve into the concept of platform channels, explore their implementation, and highlight the benefits they offer for unlocking the full potential of Flutter app development.

Understanding Platform Channels

In the context of Flutter app development, platform channels serve as this vital bridge, enabling seamless communication between your Flutter codebase and the native code of the target platform (Android or iOS).

This communication allows you to:

  • Send messages from your Flutter app to the native code: This could involve requesting access to the camera, reading sensor data, or invoking platform-specific APIs.
  • Receive data and responses from the native code back to your Flutter app: The native code can process your requests and send back the necessary information, such as captured images, sensor readings, or execution results.

Think of platform channels as two-way streets, facilitating the exchange of information between the different worlds of Flutter and native code. This communication happens through method calls and data exchange.

Here's a simplified example:


How to Integrate Native Code with Flutter Using Platform-Specific Functionalities? (1)

In this example, the Flutter code calls the takePicture method on the my_native_channel channel. This triggers the corresponding native code to handle the request, capture an image, and send the captured image data back to the Flutter app through the channel.

Platform channels utilize codecs to efficiently serialize and deserialize data during communication. These codecs ensure that data is exchanged in a format understood by both sides, regardless of the underlying programming language (Dart for Flutter and Java/Kotlin for Android or Swift/Objective-C for iOS).

By understanding the concept of platform channels and their communication mechanism, you can unlock the potential to leverage platform-specific functionalities and create truly powerful and versatile Flutter applications.

Implementing Platform Channels

Integrating native code with Flutter through platform channels involves a collaborative effort between the Flutter code and the platform-specific code (Android or iOS). Here's a step-by-step breakdown of the process:

1. Create a new Flutter project:

Begin by setting up a new Flutter project using the Flutter CLI or your preferred IDE.

2. Define the Flutter platform client:

  • Create a Dart class in your Flutter project to interact with the native code. This class will house the methods for sending messages and handling responses from the native side.
  • Use the MethodChannel class from the package:flutter/services.dart package to define the communication channel. Specify a unique name for the channel to avoid conflicts.


How to Integrate Native Code with Flutter Using Platform-Specific Functionalities? (2)

In this example, the getBatteryLevel method calls the corresponding method on the my_native_channel to retrieve the battery level information from the native platform.

3. Implement platform-specific code:


  • Create a new Java or Kotlin class within the android module of your Flutter project.
  • Implement methods corresponding to the ones defined in your Flutter platform client. These methods will handle the logic for accessing platform-specific features like the battery level or camera.
  • Use the MethodChannel class provided by the Flutter plugin to register the native method handlers and communicate with the Flutter code.


How to Integrate Native Code with Flutter Using Platform-Specific Functionalities? (3)


  • Create a new Swift class within the ios module of your Flutter project.
  • Implement methods corresponding to the ones defined in your Flutter platform client. These methods will handle the logic for accessing platform-specific features like the battery level or camera.
  • Utilizing the Flutter plugin's FlutterMethodChannel to register the native method handlers and communicate with the Flutter code.


How to Integrate Native Code with Flutter Using Platform-Specific Functionalities? (4)

Additional considerations:

Type safety with Pigeon

While the basic approach involves manual code implementation, consider using Pigeon, a code generator tool, to create type-safe interfaces for platform channels. This improves code maintainability and reduces the risk of errors.

Separate platform-specific code

Maintain a clear separation between your core Flutter codebase and the platform-specific code for better organization and easier management.

By following these steps and considering the additional tips, you can effectively implement platform channels in your Flutter project, unlocking the power of native functionalities and enriching your app's capabilities.

Benefits of Integrating Native Code

Integrating native code with Flutter through platform channels offers several compelling advantages that can elevate your Flutter app development experience:

1. Enhanced Functionality:

Access platform-specific features

Flutter's core framework provides a rich set of functionalities, but there might be situations where you need to access features specific to the target platform (Android or iOS). Platform channels empower you to leverage these features seamlessly, such as camera access, sensor data, device haptics, or specific hardware capabilities.

Unlock native APIs

By bridging the gap between Flutter and native code, you can directly interact with native APIs provided by the platform, expanding the range of functionalities available to your Flutter app.

2. Performance Optimization:

Handle resource-intensive tasks

For tasks that demand high performance or require low-level optimizations, utilizing native code can be beneficial. This could involve complex calculations, graphics rendering, or tasks that heavily rely on device hardware.

Leverage platform-specific optimizations

Native code is often written in languages like Java or Kotlin for Android or Swift or Objective-C for iOS, which are optimized for the respective platforms. Integrating such code can leverage these optimizations and potentially improve the performance of your Flutter app in specific scenarios.

3. Seamless Integration:

Incorporate existing native codebases

If you have existing native codebases or third-party libraries written in platform-specific languages, platform channels provide a smooth way to integrate them into your Flutter app. This eliminates the need to rewrite the code from scratch and allows you to leverage existing functionalities effectively.

4. Maintain Cross-Platform Compatibility:

Single codebase with native extensions

While utilizing native code, you can still maintain the core logic and UI codebase in Flutter, ensuring a consistent user experience across platforms while accessing platform-specific features.

By strategically integrating native code through platform channels, you can:

  • Expand the capabilities of your Flutter apps.
  • Optimize performance for demanding tasks.
  • Leverage existing codebases and expertise.
  • Maintain a unified codebase for cross-platform development.

This approach empowers you to create truly exceptional and performant applications that cater to the specific needs of each platform while retaining the benefits of Flutter's rapid development and single codebase advantages.


Platform channels offer a powerful approach to bridge the gap between Flutter and native functionalities, empowering developers to create truly versatile and feature-rich applications. While Flutter's core framework is robust, understanding how to integrate native code unlocks a new level of possibilities.

This article has provided a comprehensive overview of platform channels, including their concept, implementation steps, and the various benefits they offer. By leveraging this knowledge, you can effectively incorporate native code into your Flutter projects, enhancing app functionality, optimizing performance, and seamlessly integrating existing codebases.

Note: Platform channels are just one tool in the Flutter developer's toolkit. For specific use cases, consider exploring alternative approaches like platform views or plugins.

How to Integrate Native Code with Flutter Using Platform-Specific Functionalities? (2024)


How do you handle platform specific code in Flutter? ›

Follow the following steps to call platform specific android code using the platform channels :
  1. Step 1: Create a new project for your app. Run the following code in the terminal flutter create batterylevel.
  2. Step 2: Create a client for the Flutter platform. ...
  3. Step 3: Add a platform-specific implementation for Android.
Mar 26, 2024

How do I connect my native code to Flutter? ›

Step-by-Step Guide
  1. Step 1: Set Up the Method Channel in Flutter. In your Flutter Dart code, begin by creating a method channel and defining the methods you want to call on the native side. ...
  2. Step 2: Handle the Method Channel on Android. ...
  3. Step 3: Call the Native Method from Flutter.
Aug 24, 2023

How to develop a platform channel in Flutter between Dart and native code? ›

  1. Create a Dart class in your Flutter project to interact with the native code. This class will house the methods for sending messages and handling responses from the native side.
  2. Use the MethodChannel class from the package:flutter/services. dart package to define the communication channel.
Feb 22, 2024

How do you specify platforms in Flutter create? ›

Use the --platforms= option followed by a comma-separated list to specify the platforms that the plugin supports. Available platforms are: android , ios , web , linux , macos , and windows . If no platforms are specified, the resulting project doesn't support any platforms.

How to integrate native Android code in Flutter? ›

Now, open android folder in AndroidStudio. Then, open MainActivity file, We will write all native code in this MainActivity file for android. Copy paste below code in MainActivity file, Remember my package name is different, So you have to write your package name. You can get package name in app level build.

What are the specific ways to write code specific to platform? ›

You can use the detection logic to implement platform-specific code. Use this option when only small parts of a component are platform-specific. import { Platform, StyleSheet } from 'react-native'; const styles = StyleSheet. create({ height: Platform.

Does Flutter support native code? ›

With the platform interface defined in Dart and the corresponding method implemented in the native code, you can now easily communicate between Flutter and native code using the Platform Channel.

How do you pass a message from native to Flutter? ›

  1. Create a Platform Channel in your AppDelegate (or MainActivity on android) and the register for the same channel on the dart/flutter side (maybe main.dart and register a method like onPushClicked )
  2. Listen for your parse messages in your native code.
Mar 11, 2019

Can we integrate Flutter with react native? ›

In React Native, you would run npm run or yarn run from the project directory. You can run Flutter apps in a couple of ways: Use the "run" option in an IDE with the Flutter and Dart plugins. Use flutter run from the project's root directory.

How does Flutter work on different platforms? ›

iOS and Android apps

Build features once and deploy to both iOS and Android. Cupertino and Material designs are built into the Flutter framework, so your apps feel at home on both platforms.

How do you integrate a Flutter app with an API? ›

‍REST API integration in the Flutter app
  1. Get the base URL, the endpoints, and the API key.
  2. Add required packages in-app to consume HTTP resources like http, dio, chopper, etc.
  3. Create a constant file that will hold all your URLs and Endpoints.
  4. Parse JSON file to get the Object out of the JSON response.
Jan 25, 2024

How does Flutter handle cross-platform development? ›

With Flutter, you can use the same codebase for multiple platforms and observe the results of your changes in real time with hot reload and hot restart. Additionally, you can utilize a rich set of pre-built widgets and themes or customize your own.

Is Flutter native or cross-platform? ›

Flutter is a cross-platform mobile app development framework developed by Google. It gives developers an easy way to build and deploy visually attractive, natively compiled applications for mobile (iOS, Android), web, and desktop, all using a single code base.

What is the difference between Dart and Flutter? ›

Flutter's approach to UI design is unique and innovative, setting it apart from other mobile app development frameworks. The core idea of Flutter vs Dart is that while Dart is the programming language, Flutter uses a widget-centric design for building user interfaces.

Is Flutter the best cross-platform framework? ›

Flutter is substantially faster than other cross-platform development tools like React Native since it doesn't need bridges to connect its code to native elements, which slows down performance.

How does Flutter handle cross platform development? ›

With Flutter, you can use the same codebase for multiple platforms and observe the results of your changes in real time with hot reload and hot restart. Additionally, you can utilize a rich set of pre-built widgets and themes or customize your own.

How do you use platform view in Flutter? ›

How to Host Native Views in Flutter using Platform Views
  1. iOS: ...
  2. Register the plugin by modifying the plugin's main file (FLPlugin. ...
  3. Register the platform view by modifying the App's AppDelegate. ...
  4. That's it. ...
  5. Create a new factory class and add the below code implementation.

What is platform exception in Flutter? ›

Thrown to indicate that a platform interaction failed in the platform plugin. See also: MethodCodec, which throws a PlatformException, if a received result envelope represents an error.


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