Exploring the North Loop, the Hottest Neighborhood in Town (2024)


Exploring the North Loop, the Hottest Neighborhood in Town (1)

Photographs by Ackerman + Gruber


North Loop is a storyteller’s dream: a place where new happenings, new businesses, and emerging trends seem to pop up daily. And we decided the best way to tell this story was to turn it over to some of the true insiders—those who live in, work in, and are responsible for the care and creative flair of this vibrant area of the city. Here are just a few of the people in the neighborhood. —Jayne Haugen Olson


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Exploring the North Loop, the Hottest Neighborhood in Town (2)


Jason Matheson

Looper since 2014 • Media personality and North Loop resident

What’s your best North Loop moment?Sitting in our hot tub during that freakish April blizzard several years ago and watching the snow fall with the towers of downtown in thebackground.

Your worst?Almost getting killed almost weekly by drivers paying no attention to the crosswalk by our place!

Best time of day in the North Loop?Happy Hour time

Best time of year in the North Loop?Twins season!

What’s the best thing about the North Loop?Mix of ages, culture, food, shopping and… the Twins!

What’s your go-to spot to celebrate in the North Loop?Red Rabbit!

How about to wallow in defeat?Monte Carlo

Where do you order take out? Your order?Red Cow—double barrel burger

What’s your favorite North Loop building? Colonial Warehouse

Who is your favorite North Loop person?Mike Binkley

What’s your North Loop secret place?It’s not a “secret” but the basem*nt bar at MaisonMargaux.

Most curious North Loop fact that youknow?That cars pay no attention at all to the bike lanes.

What’s the thing that people most often get wrong/misunderstand about the North Loop?That it’s just young folks—one of the things I enjoy most is the mix of people, ages, demographics.

Do you have a favorite North Loop shop?Jaxen Grey

What’s your ideal NorthLoop day?Pre-gameat Monte, go to a Twins game andpost-gameat Red Rabbit.

Any North Loop closing thoughts?I want to see the neighborhood continue to grow—but I hope the parking availability and infrastructure can keep up with the demand.


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Exploring the North Loop, the Hottest Neighborhood in Town (3)


Meka White Morris

Looper since June 2023 • Executive vice president, chief business officer—Minnesota Twins and North Loop resident

What’s your best North Loop moment? Morning walks to the Stone Arch Bridge.

Worst? No pharmacy (CVS, Walgreens, etc.).

What’s the best thing about the North Loop?Walkability.

Best time of day? Happy hour.

Your go-to spot to celebrate? Sanjusan.

To wallow in defeat? Home.

Where do you order takeout? No need to order takeout when I can walk, but if I have to, Black Sheep Pizza. Pepperoni with hot honey.

Your North Loop secret place? Butcher and The Boar for brunch—FANTASTIC!

What’s your favorite North Loop building? Target Field, of course.

What do most people get wrong about Nolo? That it’s all young people—when it’s pretty mixed in terms of age.

Do you have a favorite North Loop shop? MartinPatrick3, of course.


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Exploring the North Loop, the Hottest Neighborhood in Town (4)


Gavin Kaysen

Looper since 2014 • Chef and restaurateur

Your best North Loop moment? I’m biased, but for me, it was November 14, 2014—the day I opened Spoon and Stable. I was moving back home from New York City, and I didn’t know much about the North Loop. I just knew that Eric Dayton had The Bachelor Farmer across the street and that they were always busy. At the time, they were the only restaurant on that street, so I thought another restaurant across the street would help generate more traffic for both of us.

Your worst? When Moose and Sadie’s closed. I loved that place; it was a staple. The people made you feel like you were at home. You walked in, and it gave you a big hug. It was a big hit for us when they closed.

Best time of day? I am there all day on most days. I love the morning, when I see many familiar faces at Cooks Bellecour, but also love how it transforms at night, from a happy hour vibe at 4 pm to a date-night scene at 7 pm to the late night at 10 pm…. I love the energy. That’s why it’s the best neighborhood in the Twin Cities.

The best thing about Nolo? Everyone walks—there are no skyways! People are on the street, walking in and out of retail shops, bars, and restaurants. It is beautiful city planning.

What’s your go-to spot to celebrate? Demi (can I say that?).

To wallow in defeat? Sit by the river and be near water.

What’s your ideal North Loop night? I would say the kaiseki menu at Kado no Mise would be my ideal night out. What they do there is unmatched in our town.

What’s your favorite North Loop building? The [Commutator] Foundry building is really cool. I love that it’s been preserved, and there is so much history in that building.

Who is your favorite North Loop person? James Fiorentino, the gentleman who owned the cuckoo clock museum across the street from Porzana. He has since passed away, but every day when I was building Spoon, I would walk past him and we would have amazing conversations about life, about that neighborhood. He was a treasure.

Curious North Loop fact you know? That there are a bunch of tunnels under most of the historic buildings.


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Exploring the North Loop, the Hottest Neighborhood in Town (5)


Greg Walsh & Dana Swindler

Loopers since 1994 (Greg, right) and 2007 (Dana) pictured with pups Ella and Cole • Owners, MartinPatrick3

Your best Nolo moment? Finding our current space after the Riverwalk antique mall closed in 2010.

Worst? Being closed down during COVID and seeing the entire neighborhood boarded up during the social unrest.

Best time of day? Late afternoon–early evening, the transition time when North Loop residents, workers, and people visiting shops all converge; the street energy can be very exhilarating.

Your go-to spot to celebrate? Spoon and Stable, Billy Sushi.

To wallow in defeat? Monte Carlo.

Your favorite building? (Greg) Model T Ford Assembly (Ford Center)—it’s close to our hearts; it’s where we first set foot in the North Loop with our first studio; it was very much an incubator site for small businesses. The transformation of the building by United Properties is remarkable and parallels the DNA of the North Loop.

(Dana) The Lowry Morrison building, the three-story brick building on Washington Avenue that houses Edwards Dessert Kitchen: It’s one of the oldest buildings in the North Loop, and the vibes of both Edwards and the restoration of the building speak volumes about what the North Loop is all about.

Who is your favorite North Loop person? John Rimarcik! He is a local businessman and character in the North Loop since the ’70s and is a force to be reckoned with! In reality, John has a big heart.

What’s your North Loop secret place? B.A.D (Billy After Dark).

What do most people get wrong about Nolo? People think it is downtown, like “downtown,” and it’s not.

What’s your ideal North Loop day? It’s definitely a Saturday, grabbing lunch at one of the local restaurants and being at the store engaging with customers from the neighborhood.

Do you have a favorite North Loop shop?Ha… how about second favorite, North Loop Liquor!


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Exploring the North Loop, the Hottest Neighborhood in Town (6)


Susan Brouillette

Looper since 2017 • Owner, Ūmei

Your best Nolo moment? Twin Citians showing up for a donabe (Japanese hot pot) event in the middle of a snowstorm.

Who is your favorite North Loop person? Well, there are two. Jim Hillegass—he is our building owner. He is kind of like Charlie, and he supports his small business angels. Kim Granger is a North Looper that is a terrific ambassador and supporter of small business owners in the North Loop. She has the mindset that she wants to support her locals.

What’s your go-to spot to celebrate? Monte Carlo, of course. I like a tall cold co*cktail and the booths.

Your North Loop secret place? Gori Gori Peku, a Japanese whiskey bar above Kado no Mise—a cool little bar that is hidden away from many.

What do most people get wrong about Nolo? We get clients in from the outside of Minneapolis who are surprised as to how normal our area is. It’s not scary; we all just get along.

Closing thoughts? I love that the North Loop is such a layered, vibrant, livable neighborhood: from high dining like Spoon and Stable to grabbing a slice off the pizza truck outside StormKing; boutique to cool chain shopping (so many love Lululemon!); old and new condos; advertising agencies to glass artisans at GlassArt Design; the Twins; the breweries; the farmers’ market!


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Exploring the North Loop, the Hottest Neighborhood in Town (7)


Holly Manthei

Looper since 2005 (pictured with Hannah) • VP of marketing, Fulton Brewing Company and North Loop resident

What’s the best thing about the neighborhood? The evolution. I’m a history nerd, and the second, third, and fourth lives of so many of our classic brick-and-mortar buildings is the unique DNA of this neighborhood. In the last 25 years, printing presses, pasta factories, and meat packers made way for salons, food halls, and coffee shops. In another 25 years, my condo will probably be a robot charging station, and that’s evolution.

Who is your favorite North Loop person? They say it takes a village to raise a child, and I’m really grateful for the friendly, patient, and generous neighbors in our building who don’t complain when our kids scream too loud in the hallways or push all the buttons on the elevator.

What do people misunderstand about Nolo? That the city isn’t a safe or ideal place to raise a family. Our kids are walking distance to art, nature, energy, diversity, culture, cuisine, music, and sports. We support our local businesses, and they support us.

Best time of day? Sunrise, when the streets are still sleepy and quiet.

"Best time of year in Nolo? Sundays when the Vikings are at home. Win or lose, the city just feels electric with enthusiasm and energy all day long."

—Holly Manthei

"What’s your North Loop secret place? Standing next to the organist at the Twins game for the cost of an inexpensive standing-room-only ticket."

—Holly Manthei


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Exploring the North Loop, the Hottest Neighborhood in Town (8)


Veronica Clark

Looper since October 2013 •Owner, D.Nolo

Your best North Loop moment? Finding the right location to support my vision.

What’s the best thing about the North Loop? Urban energy.

Your go-to spot to celebrate? Cobble Social House.

To wallow in defeat? Monte Carlo bar. Especially if Bill is working. His warm greeting always cheers me up!

Where do you order takeout? Black Sheep Pizza. I’m a creature of habit and order the #3 Hot Salami and Dried Chili Pepper.

Your favorite North Loop building? The Colonial Warehouse—formally Minneapolis Street Railway Company. Touring the underground was like walking back in time.

What do most people get wrong about Nolo? That it is downtown Minneapolis.

What’s your ideal NorthLoop day? Open the store and wait tosee regulars and meet new friends whohave traveledhere

Any North Loop closing thoughts? It has been thrilling to see how this neighborhood has evolved over the last 10 years! I am proud to be partpartof this community.


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Exploring the North Loop, the Hottest Neighborhood in Town (9)


Betsy Vohs

Looper since 2016 • Designer and owner of Studio BV

What’s your best North Loop moment?The day we moved into our office in the Loose Wiles Building.

Your worst?During covid when all the vibrancy was silenced in theNorth Loop.

Best thing about North Loop? The connectedness. It’s the only part of Minneapolis where the mixed-use nature of the community is really felt.

Your go-to spot to celebrate? Bar La Grassa for dinner.

To wallow in defeat? Freehouse at the bar.

What’s your favorite building? The Nordic because we were part of the design team that made that project, restaurants, and the plaza happen!

What’s your ideal Nolo day? Coffee with a client at Frgmnt, lunch at Nolo’s, and a great design work session at our studio in the afternoon.

Your ideal night? Happy hour at any of the great restaurant patios and then going to dinner at BLG [Bar La Grassa].

Do you have a favorite North Loop shop?The new Arch Salon that justopened up. We designed it but I love the products theyselland I love the vibe in the space.

What do most people get wrong about Nolo? It’s successful in so many ways; companies are back to the office in the North Loop, and it’s vibrant seven days a week.

"What’s your North Loop secret place? It's not a secret, but one of the best galleries in the city is Veronique Wantz Gallery!"

—Betsy Vohs


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Exploring the North Loop, the Hottest Neighborhood in Town (10)


Julius Collins

Looper since 1991 • Band leader, Dr. Mambo’s Combo, Sunday nights at Bunkers

Your best North Loop moment? Being onstage playing “Thank You” by Sly with Prince during a Mambo’s set in ’92.

Your worst? My first Mambo’s show without Billy Franze.

What’s your ideal night in the Loop? It’s always Sunday night at Bunkers with a special guest and people are energized because the music is great.

Ideal time of day?9:15 p.m., starting to feel it, right before we go on.Sonny will say,“We’regonnaf*ckemup tonight.”

Best time of year in the North Loop? I’m a fall dude in the North Loop. There’s a vibe about the fall: People are dressing up a little bit; colors are starting to happen. I dig the autumn ease.

Where do you order takeout? Monte Carlo. I get the wings.

Who is your favorite North Loop person? My favorite people are easily Jimmy and Jackie, the owners of Bunkers—the most beautiful people.

What’s the thing that people most often get wrong/misunderstand about the North Loop? That there’s no flavor because it’s so gentrified—there’s some really cool stuff going on right now.

North Loop closing thoughts?It’s more aspirational than anything: I hope the North Loop, while it’s growing and improving, will always keep a connection to the history of the area, which Bunkers is a reminder of.


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Exploring the North Loop, the Hottest Neighborhood in Town (11)


Isaac Becker & Nancy St. Pierre

Loopers since 2009 • Owners, Bar La Grassa, Snack Bar, and 112 Eatery

Best time of day in the North Loop? Nighttime.

Best time of year in the North Loop? Summer.

Where do you order takeout? Pizza from Snack Bar.

What’s your favorite North Loop building? TractorWorks (with its iconic deer heads adorning the entrance, opened in 1902 as a huge farm machinery distribution center).

Most curious North Loop fact? Washington Avenue is a county road, and the cross streets, city streets.


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Exploring the North Loop, the Hottest Neighborhood in Town (12)


Rich Henriksen

Looper since 2010 (pictured with Honey) • Owner, Nolo-based Nokomis Health and owner of soon-to-be-opened Berlin music bar in North Loop

Best time of day in the North Loop? After work when all the doggos are out with their humans.

Best time of year? Late autumn on a chilly fall day with the sun low in the sky. Everything glows in the sunlight.

Go-to spot to celebrate in the North Loop? Monte Carlo. I’ve been frequenting them since I moved to Minneapolis in 1988.

To wallow in defeat? Runyon’s. Best place to hole up on a sad gray day.

Favorite North Loop building? I am so fortunate to own and work out of Eric Dayton’s former building at 204 North 1st Street (the former Askov Finlayson building). I absolutely love our new home, and we’re excited to be bringing a music bar to the neighborhood.

Most curious North Loop fact that you know? Fur traders used to canoe down the river and stay in our building when it was a hotel, and they would sell their pelts at the tannery next door (now Porzana).


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Exploring the North Loop, the Hottest Neighborhood in Town (13)


Peter Prudden

Looper since 2001 • Real estate broker

The best thing about North Loop? Vibrancy and connectivity.

Your best Nolo moment? Meeting my wife and now business partner.

Worst? Have not had one yet.

Best time of day? I typically take a walk at midday to collect my thoughts and find inspiration.

What’s your go-to spot to celebrate? When I used to drink, an Old Fashioned at the Hewing Hotel.

Where do you wallow in defeat? MartinPatrick3 for retail therapy with Todd.

What’s your Nolo secret place? Castro’s. IYKYK.

Your favorite building? Eric Dayton’s rehab of 200 North 1st Street embodies historical architecture with a modern-day sensibility.

What’s your ideal North Loop day? Saturday-morning workout at Barry’s. Grab a coffee and be able to sell some of the coolest lofts in the city.

Any North Loop closing thoughts? North Loop embraces ideas and provides opportunities for business that are supported by its residents and visitors. How a neighborhood ought to be.


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Exploring the North Loop, the Hottest Neighborhood in Town (14)


Jessica Prudden

Looper since 2014 • Real estate broker

What’s your best Nolo moment? Selling my first condo over $1M at 801 Lofts.

Worst? I was sad to see The Bachelor Farmer Cafe close.

What’s your Nolo go-to spot to celebrate? Sanjusan.

To wallow in defeat? Requisite for a little retail therapy.

Your North Loop secret place? I have experienced some of the finest terraces in Minneapolis via my clients’ incredible homes.

What do people get wrong? There is a perception that the North Loop skews younger, but my experience is that people of all ages enjoy what it has to offer: walkability, shopping, real estate, grocery stores, restaurants, and entertainment.

What’s your ideal Nolo day? Workout at Barry’s, lunch on Nolo’s rooftop, and walking to a Twins game with my daughter and husband.

"Where do you order takeout? Your order? Bar La Grassa. Soft eggs and lobster or the chicken and polenta."

—Jessica Prudden


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Exploring the North Loop, the Hottest Neighborhood in Town (15)

Ben VinZant

Looper since 2014 • Commercial real estate broker and developer

Your best Nolo moment? Walking to a restaurant and seeing sidewalks full of people during a snowstorm.

What’s your go-to spot to celebrate? Any Isaac Becker and Nancy St. Pierre concept (112 Eatery, BLG, Snack Bar).

Wallow in defeat? A jog on the Mississippi trails.

Your favorite Nolo building? The historic buildings along 1st Street between 1st Avenue and 3rd Avenue. We’ve brokered transactions along the charming stretch and have learned the storied past of nearly all the buildings. Now the smart, creative developers and business owners are forming the bright futures of the street.

Who is your favorite North Loop person? The face of North Loop bus stop benches and my uncle, Fritz Kroll.

What do most people get wrong about Nolo? They consider the North Loop part of downtown.

Do you have a favorite shop? MartinPatrick3.

What’s your ideal NorthLoop day?Get a FRGMNT Coffee to-go. Go to North Loop Playground with my wife Breann and daughter Violet. Stop atBellecourfor a ham and cheese croissant. Meet with the team for our newest project at 204 N 1st St. Stop by North Loop Wine and Spirits for bottle of wine. Have happy hour at FritzKrollsloft at Rock Island. Dinner with friends at 112 Eatery and a nightcap on the Monte Carlo patio.

Closing thoughts? The people that live, work, and visit the North Loop make it cool. The historic past and bright future are a bonus.


Exploring the North Loop, the Hottest Neighborhood in Town (16)

Exploring the North Loop, the Hottest Neighborhood in Town (17)

Exploring the North Loop, the Hottest Neighborhood in Town (18)

Exploring the North Loop, the Hottest Neighborhood in Town (19)

Exploring the North Loop, the Hottest Neighborhood in Town (20)

Exploring the North Loop, the Hottest Neighborhood in Town (21)

Exploring the North Loop, the Hottest Neighborhood in Town (22)

Exploring the North Loop, the Hottest Neighborhood in Town (23)

Exploring the North Loop, the Hottest Neighborhood in Town (24)

Exploring the North Loop, the Hottest Neighborhood in Town (25)

Exploring the North Loop, the Hottest Neighborhood in Town (26)

Exploring the North Loop, the Hottest Neighborhood in Town (27)

Exploring the North Loop, the Hottest Neighborhood in Town (28)

Exploring the North Loop, the Hottest Neighborhood in Town (29)



Exploring the North Loop, the Hottest Neighborhood in Town (30)

Photo courtesy of Larry Millett


Everything Old Is New Again

How Minneapolis’s all-but-abandoned center of trade and industry was reborn as its most fully realized urban neighborhood.Read More


Exploring the North Loop, the Hottest Neighborhood in Town (31)

Photograph by Ackerman + Gruber | Photo Compositing by J. Bryce Bordenkecher


A Few Days in the North Loop: August 23 and August 28, 2023, 204 North 1st Street, Minneapolis


Exploring the North Loop, the Hottest Neighborhood in Town (32)

Photo courtesy of Doug Olausen


Dr. Mambo’s Combo Keeps the Music Rolling at Bunkers

Spending another Sunday night at Bunkers with the longest-running, most talented house band in the country, Dr. Mambo’s Combo. Read More

A Brief History of the North Loop

Taking its name from a long-dormant stretch of streetcar line, the North Loop transformed from a gritty urban warehouse sector into the hippest neighborhood in the city.Read More

Field Trip


Exploring the North Loop, the Hottest Neighborhood in Town (33)


The Nordic Plaza, adjacent to Freehouse, serves as a gathering spot for multiple buildings.

An Outdoor Oasis

When we consider the aesthetic appeal of the North Loop, we think of the patina accrued over the course of history or the elegance of industrial function, not necessarily the lush greenery of parkland. But if you know where to look, there are all kinds of alluring, almost secret, public spaces.

For instance, one of the most beautiful patches of emerald-green grass in the entire country is hidden in plain sight, just below grade, in the middle of the hood. OK, you might have to be a major-league ballplayer to actually touch the landscaping at Target Field, but you can still look! (And you don’t even have to buy a ticket—the plaza and amphitheater are available to all.) And of course, so many restaurants have carved attractive patio spaces out of these old warehouses: There’s the twinkling cul-de-sac behind the Federal Reserve Bank that Sanjusanhas commandeered; there’s Monte Carlo’s classic see-and-be-seen terrace; there’s the loading dock bar at Borough; and there’s The Nordic Plaza, which connects North Loop Galley food hall with neighboringFreehouseand offers outdoor games and programming.

And you can always look up (or down) from one of Nolo’s rooftops, like the second-level patio at Graze Provisions and Libations, the rooftop pool and bar at the Hewing Hotel, or the perch atop Nolo’s. And if you’re craving real, live nature, explore the Mississippi Walking Trail, which meanders over a pair of small trestle bridges that cross the mouth of Bassett Creek. —Steve Marsh


Exploring the North Loop, the Hottest Neighborhood in Town (34)

Photo by Caitlin Abrams


With no visible windows from the sidewalk, Backstory Coffee Roasters is a true hidden gem tucked within The Duffy Flats.

Caffeination Connection

There’s no question this is a neighborhood to find a solid cup of coffee or mug of matcha. Need a cozy café to meet a friend, crank through an overflowing inbox, or finally finish that book with a perfectly crafted brew in hand? North Loop has you covered, and each spot has its own personality.

Backstory Coffee Roasters, in the lobby of The Duffey Flats, is the semi-new cool girl in town, complete with sky-high ceilings, more plants than the Arboretum (practically), and locally roasted beans. With a more playful vibe, Fairgroundseschews barstools for rope-and-wood-plank swings and serves up a handful of cold brews on tap, along with a long menu of “elixirs” and teas. The Instagrammers love the cutesy coffee flights and espresso martinis at The Last Drop, in the Graze food hall, and the giant windows and warm wood at the ever-classic Spyhouse. The fur-baby crowd favors In the Loopfor its enthusiastically dog-friendly patio and menu of treats for pups and people. And the pastry-first crew knows they can always get a Dorothy’s Blend to go with their croissants at Cooks Bellecour, a Cardigan donut or Honey and Rye treat at Frgmnt, or an espresso shot to chase their sweet treats (including many gluten-free!) at Edwards Dessert Kitchenwhen the drink alone won’t quite hit the spot.—Madison Bloomquist


Exploring the North Loop, the Hottest Neighborhood in Town (35)

Photo by Caitlin Abrams


The focus at MartinPatrick3, in recent years, has been to broaden its women’s fashion collections.

Shopping Small

While the growing list of national retailers (hello, Allbirds, Lululemon, Madewell, and West Elm) flocking to North Loop speaks to how hot the hood is, it’s the mix of locals that gives it the edge.

It’s fitting to start your excursion at D.Nolo, a co-op retail concept by Veronica Clark, an OG Nolo pioneer who set her sights on the neighborhood a decade ago. If you’re shopping for minis, hit Pacifier’simpressive flagship for the best clothing, toys, and gear in the game. Across the street is MartinPatrick3, which started as an annex of gifts and small décor accessories in an interior design studio and became a full-fledged boutique department store (men’s and womenswear, home furnishings, fine jewelry, apothecary, gifts—even a barbershop) that’s garnered acclaim from Vogue and GQ. D.Nolo is also where menswear concept Jaxen Greyincubated before grabbing its corner spot next to Monte Carlo. Don’t leave these bustling blocks without a stop at women’s fashion spots Statement, Requisite, Queen Anna, Parc;and vintage heirloom jewelry store Filigree; and newcomer Vivid Home, a showroom-meets-shop by a local design studio that is merchandised to mimic a full home, showcasing its designers’ go-to lines and brands in just about every category.

End your walk on North 5th Street, a budding shopping area just north of Target Field, where art, one-of-a-kind gifts, and homewares await at Veronique Wantz Gallery, J. Atelier, and Ūmei. —Madeline Nachbar


Exploring the North Loop, the Hottest Neighborhood in Town (36)

Photo by Caitlin Abrams


Rock stars, diplomats, and regular folks all want to belly up to (or brush by) Monte Carlo’s iconic bar.

Dining Destination

No one can deny that the North Loop has been built by restaurants. And while some of the top chefs in the city are either currently cooking or about to light their stoves in this neighborhood—looking at you, Spoon and Stable, Porzana, Snack Bar, Billy Sushi, and Smack Shack—you can’t dismiss the depth and breadth of menus available for eaters of all appetites.

Starting early, you can get in line for the new hot bite in the neighborhood: a stacked egg sandwich from Egg on a Roll, tucked into the back of Fifth Avenue Market. That is, of course, unless you have already been to Rise Bagelfor its legendary organic bagels and schmears.

Travel the world in this neighborhood through the Panamanian dishes at Guacaya Bistreaux, the Szechuan dumplings and noodles at Jun, and the Italian classics at Bar La Grassa.

The most walkable neighborhood in the city allows for the best kind of bar crawl: Start with an innovative sip at Cobble Social House, the tiny co*cktail bar hidden by D.Nolo, then wander into the iconic bar at Monte Carlofor an ice-cold martini and the best wings. Move over to the lobby bar at Hewing Hotel, where the beautiful people drink Old Fashioneds, and stroll down to Parlour Barfor “The Burger” for sustenance. Finish your night shouting to new friends at the area’s favorite dive bar, Cuzzy’s. Pin a dollar on the wall and become part of the neighborhood forever. —Stephanie March



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Exploring the North Loop, the Hottest Neighborhood in Town (37)

Maps by Randall Nelson


Washington Ave (The Main Drag)

Coming from the east, once you cross Hennepin Avenue, you have arrived in the North Loop. Businesses on the south side (up to 3rd Avenue North) have back doors to the historic Warehouse District and front doors to North Loop. This bustling stretch is the primary artery of the neighborhood, with cross streets taking you into pockets and subdistricts throughout.

1. Butcher and The Boar

2. Spyhouse Coffee Roasters

3. Bar La Grassa

4. Snack Bar

5. Bunkers MusicBar and Grill

6. Borough/Parlour Bar

7. Atmosfere

8. Frgmnt Coffee

9. Thr3 Jack

10. The Freehouse

11. Jun

12.Black Sheep CoalFired Pizza

13. Smack Shack

14.Backstory CoffeeRoasters

15. Egg on a Roll

16. Cuzzy’s

17. Nolo’s Kitchen and Bar

18. AxeBridge Wine Co.

19. Guacaya Bistreaux

20. Bassett Creek Mouth

21. In the Loop Coffee Co.


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5th Street Corridor

This zone of the neighborhood ushers in traffic from Highway 55, Interstate 94, and the light rail stop at Target Field. The primary connection to Washington Avenue is via 6th Avenue North. Insiders follow North 5th Street east to 2nd Avenue North to reach the North Loop hub.

1. Ūmei

2. Veronique Wantz Gallery

3. J. Atelier

4. Inbound BrewCo

5. StormKing Brewpub and Barbecue

6. Number 12 Cider

7. Fulton Taproom

8. First Draft and Burnt Chicken

9. Rise Bagel Co.

10. The Last Drop Cafeand Wine Bar

11.Graze Provisions and Libations

12. Modist Brewing Co.

13. Bricksworth Beer Co.

14. The Fillmore Minneapolis

15. Target Field


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Heart of the North Loop

The compact grid of streets make this an especially walkable part of the neighborhood. It’s home to Hewing Hotel (as well as Four Seasons Minneapolis at its edge). Interstate 394 ends at its front door, while Hennepin Avenue flanks Nolo to the east, and Washington runs the southern edge.

1. Runyon’s

2. Edwards Dessert Kitchen

3. InVision

4. Red Rabbit Minneapolis

5. Requisite

6. Mitrebox

7. North Loop Wine andSpirits

8. Jaxen Grey

9. J.D. Hoyt’s Supper Club

10. Hewing Hotel

11. Monte Carlo

12. D.Nolo

13. Cobble Social House

14. Pacifier

15. MartinPatrick3

16. Statement Boutique

17. Fairgrounds Craft Coffee and Tea

18. Demi

19. Parc Shop

20. Filigree

21. Vivid Home

22. Queen Anna House of Fashion

23. Maison Margaux

24. Cooks Bellecour

25. Spoon and Stable

26. Porzana

27. The James J. Fiorentino Museum

28. Sanjusan

29. Kado no Mise

30. Billy Sushi

31. Red Cow


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Exploring the North Loop, the Hottest Neighborhood in Town (41)

Exploring the North Loop, the Hottest Neighborhood in Town (42)

Exploring the North Loop, the Hottest Neighborhood in Town (43)


Behind the Scenes withMike Binkley

A retired newscaster’s unexpected second act: neighborhood historian.—Drew Wood

When Mike Binkley retired after 27 years at WCCO-TV in 2015, he and his wife, Mary Milla, could have gone anywhere. But instead of heading south, the Binkleys sold their condo in downtown’s Mill District, packed up, and headed north—about a mile up Washington Avenue to the North Loop. “We found ourselves over here so often for the restaurants and the bars and all that kind of stuff that we decided to move over here,” says Binkley. “We like walking to stuff.”

Little did Binkley know then, but that mile would spawn a retirement second act when the neighborhood association asked if he’d help tell the Loop’s story, which he’s most notably done through a series of plaques that describe what each building was a lifetime ago. “The North Loop benefited from the fact it was neglected and forgotten for so long,” he says. “It was dirty; it was rusty. These buildings were waiting to be rediscovered, and now they’re having their moment.” However, Binkley’s role doesn’t end at plaques and historical deep dives on the neighborhood association’s website. Nope, he is also the voice of something surprisingly more hip: the North Loop’s Instagram account.

“For a while, I didn’t want people to know I was doing the Instagram, but my wife gets such a kick out of the fact that that’s my new identity,” he says. “I walk around here, and nobody knows I used to be a news anchor, but when they find out I’m doing the North Loop Instagram, they have a meltdown.”

Looper since: 2018

Relation to the North Loop:I volunteer to run the North Loop'ssocial mediaaccounts, along with producing news articles, videos and photos for ourneighborhood website,plus researching and writing about North Loop history via building plaques and posts in theHistoric North Loopsection of our website.

What’s your best North Loop moment?I really like showing off our neighborhood to visitorswho haven’t ventured into this area for 15-20 years, if ever. They may have this image of gritty, abandoned warehouses and have no idea how far the neighborhood has come or how much it has to offer.

Your worst?It was eerie to see the streets of this vibrant neighborhood deserted and dark during the early days of the pandemic. There was so much uncertainty about all the businesses we love and the people who work there.

Best time of day in the North Loop?I like the mornings, around 6-9 a.m., when neighbors are out walking their dogs,joggingand biking. The coffee shops are bustling. So are the fitness facilities.

Best time of year in the North Loop?All four seasons are great here. We have someone else plowing our snow in the winter and we havebig beautifultrees that pop with color in the spring and fall. But I’ll give the edge to summer because of all the outdoor activities, plus in 10 minutes I can walk from my condo to our seats at Target Field where we have Twins season tickets.

What’s the best thing about the North Loop?The great variety of experiences within a very short walking distance. It’s not only the energy of the nightlife,diningand shopping but also the tranquility of walking through the woods along the river or hanging out on a rooftop deck.

What’s your go-to spot to celebrate in the North Loop?Monte Carlo or JD Hoyt’s.

How about to wallow in defeat?Cuzzy’sis good for that.

Where do you order take out? Your order?Egg OnARoll, the new sandwich shop in the 5th Avenue Market. I get the Classic with ham.

What’s your favorite North Loop building? It’s a close race between many historic/revitalized buildings but I give the edge to The Hewing. Here’s a place that used to be afarm implement warehousewith manure spreaders showcased in the giant front windows along Washington Avenue. But now it’s an upscale hotel with perfect mix of historic and modern features.

Who is your favorite North Loop person? Pat Montague, owner of JD Hoyt’s. He was here long before this neighborhood was cool and he’s still here busting his butt and working the room to make sure everyone feels welcome.

What’s your North Loop secret place?The two little bridges in the woods above Bassett Creek by the river.

Most curious North Loop fact that youknow?This neighborhood did a lot for American breakfast tables in the 1920s. At thesame time that theworld’s first pop-up toasterswere being produced on 2nd Street, theworld’s largest instant coffee producerof its time was right across the street, churning out 100 tons of coffee a week. And then over on Washington Avenue, theSunshine Bakerywas producing“enough biscuits to supply every man, woman and child in Minneapolis with 35 a day”according to a newspaper article.

What’s the thing that people most often get wrong/misunderstand about the North Loop?That it’s just a bunch of young hipsters living here. There’s a sizable number of retirees here too who’ve chosen to downsize from suburban homes and live a more streamlined life with a one-level condo or apartment.

Do you have a favorite North Loop shop?Absolutely, MartinPatrick3, and not only because of the great clothes; they’re also a tremendous civic-minded neighbor, quietly contributing to the efforts of our volunteer neighborhood association.

Exploring the North Loop, the Hottest Neighborhood in Town (2024)


What is considered the north loop? ›

The North Loop is located northwest of the central business district between downtown Minneapolis and the Mississippi River.

What is the hippest neighborhood in Minneapolis? ›

The North Loop Minneapolis neighborhood (a.k.a. The Warehouse District) is a hip hotspot along the edge of the Mississippi River. Aptly named, this area is full of old warehouses that have been converted and renovated into office spaces and apartments. The vibe is young, creative, and industrial.

What is considered North Minneapolis? ›

The area north of downtown on the west bank of the Mississippi River is considered North Minneapolis.

How safe is North Loop Minneapolis? ›

Violent crime rate: 1,250 offenses per 100,000 people (2.4% lower than the Minneapolis crime rate, 221.2% higher than the national average) Property crime rate: 6,999 crimes per 100,000 residents (40.1% higher than the Minneapolis rate, 257.5% higher than the national average)

Is North Loop a good place to live? ›

North Loop is a neighborhood in Minneapolis, Minnesota with a population of 7,349. North Loop is in Hennepin County and is one of the best places to live in Minnesota. Living in North Loop offers residents a dense urban feel and most residents rent their homes.

Where do the rich live in Minneapolis? ›

Lowry Hill is a neighborhood within the Calhoun-Isles community in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The neighborhood is regarded as being one of the city's most upscale and wealthy neighborhoods. It was historically the home of Minneapolis's most prominent milling and lumber families.

What is the prettiest street in Minneapolis? ›

Main Street, along the east bank of the Mississippi River near Saint Anthony Main, was named one of USA Today's 10Best: Prettiest cobblestone streets across America.

What is the oldest neighborhood in Minneapolis? ›

Originally the town of St. Anthony Falls, Marcy-Holmes is the oldest neighborhood in Minneapolis. It is east of the Mississippi and south of East Hennepin Avenue, which is why it's often called “Southeast” Minneapolis.

Is Minneapolis Democrat or Republican? ›

Political landscape and elections

Minneapolis is known as a stronghold for the DFL, reflecting a liberal-leaning political climate. The city council is predominantly composed of DFL members, with occasional representation from other parties such as the Green Party or the Democratic Socialists of America.

Is North Minneapolis being gentrified? ›

The housing market in North Minneapolis following years of disinvestment, the housing crash in 2009, and the tornado that ran through the community in 2011 are a few factors that help to explain recent gentrification in the community.

What is the crime rate in Minneapolis? ›

With a crime rate of 66 per one thousand residents, Minneapolis has one of the highest crime rates in America compared to all communities of all sizes - from the smallest towns to the very largest cities. One's chance of becoming a victim of either violent or property crime here is one in 15.

What is considered the South Loop? ›

What is considered South Loop? The definition of the South Loop has changed over the years, nowadays the area south of Roosevelt street and north of Cermak road (although you could also say it extends down to I-55). From east to west, South Loop lies between the Chicago River and Lakeshore Drive.

What is considered the West Loop? ›

Located between the Central Loop and Near West, the West Loop is bounded on the north mainly by Kinzie Street, on the south by Congress Parkway, on the east by the South Branch of the Chicago River, and on the west by the Kennedy Expressway.


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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

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