Catch a King (Five Kings #1) (2024)

🦉Maggie Whitworth

3,042 reviews100 followers

February 14, 2021


First in a new series but with some old favourites and links to the Reapers.

This is going to blow your mind, its tough, sexy and full of secrets and passion, much like our main characters Sawyer and Millie .

Whenever Stella announces she has a new book , I’m pacing, dying to get hold of it.
She writes the kind of books that will have you riveted to the pages and the story until the very end .
She never eases up, the stories are tense but with underlying passions that simmers slowly to a boil.

Millie and Sawyer are wonderful, the chemistry is off the charts and the whole book is enjoyable and entertaining.
Stunning in its writing and outstanding reading for those who love this genre.

Highly recommend!

I received an Arc copy of this book and chose to post this review


50k reviews27 followers

Want to read

January 26, 2024

🎁 FREE on Amazon today (11/6/2021)! 🎁

    dark freebie

Merry Jelks-Emmanuel

7,688 reviews118 followers

July 11, 2022

Catch a King is filled with mystery and intrigue. Millie is sent to filter out a murderer who is trying to trap the Reapers MC. Millie has her hands full and never expected to find the love of her life in the midst of all the chaos. Sawyer is on leave and has one thing on his mind and that is to find out who killed his father President of the Dragon's Ruin MC. Everyone is a suspect and no one is safe. When the dust clears the one responsible for Sawyer's father's death will be a surprise one they didn't see coming. Will Sawyer and Millie finally get their chance for a happily ever after after everything is said and done? This story keeps you glued to the pages.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.


1,996 reviews3 followers

February 13, 2021

This book is phenomenal!! Millie belongs with the twisted reapers Mc and she's going undercover in another Mc to see who killed their president, sawyer is one of the sons to the dead me and he comes home from the military to help his Mc find who killed his father. The moment he lays eyes on millie he wants her but what will happen when he finds out who she is?

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.


610 reviews4 followers

August 3, 2023

Nothing Caught!

This book caught me off guard. I thought I was starting a new series having to do with the mafia. However, this was another motorcycle club book with a different motorcycle club, The Dragon's Ruin. The clubhouse for them was a filthy, smelly ruin, nothing like the Rubicon. Millie, one of the Reapers single women, you know what they're called, was sent undercover by Ryder King to the Dragon's.

Millie was in for a culture shock; the filthy clubhouse, and how they treated their ladies. There was open sex going on everywhere. Before she could figure out what was going on, she was placed on the auction block. That meant anyone could bid on her and the winner would first have sex with in front of all the members. She was supposed to be safe from that that but no one kept their word. No one but Slade was supposed to bid on her and he was brutal with women, beating and cutting them, etc. He twin brother, Sawyer, in leave from the military, went against him and bid on Millie also. Since rules state if more than one bid is placed, she got to choose. She chose Sawyer.

The rest of the book dealt with who killed the head of the Dragon's, Billy, also the twins' father. Slade was convince it was Ryder King. The book was only interesting because of Millie and the frequent references to the Reapers. Otherwise, this would have been a book with a filthy clubhouse, brutal members and abusive sex.

However, Millie, Slade and Sawyer were trying to discover the killer and their motive. They would be blindsided. Of course, Ryder and the other Reapers came and saved the day. They were appalled by the clubhouse, and Ryder ordered his men to clean up the clubhouse and men. A new day was coming.

Sawyer and MIllie admitted their love for each other. Millie went back to The Rubicon and Sawyer returned to the military. The truth came out and you learned who killed Billy. Loose ends were tied completely up in the Epilogue. You'll have to read to find out what happened to the Dragon's and if Millie and Sawyer got their HEA!

    contemporary-romance mafia mc-romance


3,635 reviews12 followers

Shelved as '3-tbr-now'

February 22, 2021

Amazon -->

238 pages.

To save a King, you need to slay a dragon.

Millie: I have one job. Go undercover at the Dragon’s Ruin, MC Club and find out why one of them is asking questions about the president of The Twisted Reapers MC, Ryder King.
I will not let them down.
They are my family, my protectors, my lovers.
To be a Reaper, you have to think and act like one, and the bikers at the Dragon’s Ruin are going to discover that the hard way.
Until him.
Sawyer. A leather-clad, hot mess of darkness.
Violent obsidian eyes, full of lust and promising to wrap me in shadows.
So dangerous he will be the ruin of me and threaten to smash my principles into jagged edges of betrayal.
When he turns his attention to me, I’m suddenly not so brave.
Will I betray my own family for one second with him, or will he ultimately use me to bring the Twisted Reapers down?
There are five kings. At the end of this, will there be four?

Five kings is the explosive new series by Stella Andrews.
Catch a King is the first and kick starts a trail through the darkness to find the Ruler of them all.
Five powerful men who belong to an exclusive club where membership requires you to leave your soul at the door.
Someone is out to bring them down, and each book tells their story and the women that break them.

If you like your books on the darker side, this series may be for you. Hot, dark, and twisted with romance running like a river of pleasure through its pages.
Each book can be read standalone and there are NO cliffhangers.

May 10, 2023

Series, interconnected characters
Book 1 of 7
*over 18 readers only *


King series
Offshoot of a Twisted Reapers MC, but they are involved

Trigger warnings
All of them - but really, this is gonna be dark, so don't expect otherwise
Threats of R ape
R ape

Millie, a club candy from the Reapers, is sent in the Dragon's Ruin MC. Ryder sent her to Axel to find out who murdered Billy, Axel's brother. Slade and Sawyer are Billy's sons, and both are scary dangerous. Slade attacks Millie before she ever gets in the clubhouse, but Sawyer manages to save her while at the same time putting her in her place and making her feel worthless. She's got a mell-of-a-hess to wade through to get the information she needs. Sawyer is on leave from Special Forces to figure out who killed his father. No one is going to get in his way, not even this new bartender, Millie. Except Slade is demanding the auction, and he knows what will happen to her if he doesn't intervene. All this at only 28%, this book will throw you. You won't see it coming until right before it blows up. This entire book, I've hated Slade's character. I don't see how the author will redeem him. I know he has his own book, but I don't know if I can read it.

This series needs to be read in order. You don't have to read the Twisted Reapers series first, but it does help. There are typos and points of confusion in this book, but it shouldn't stop you from figuring out what's going on.

Series order:
Catch a King
Steal a King
Break a King
Destroy a King
Marry a King
Baron - supposed to be an offshoot of Club Mafia series, but listed in this book as part of the King series

Diane Born in UK, now living on Spain

627 reviews11 followers

February 27, 2021

More 4.5/5 - First of many, can’t wait, really like this author.

If you like the Reapers, you will really enjoy this book. If you’re not familiar with them, you really need to read more by this author.

This is about Millie, (who was into Maverick/Lorenzo and lost him to Sophia), she has been asked by Ryder to go into another MC gang undercover, to try and find out why his name has been linked to the murder of the gang leader Billy. Millie is grateful to the Reapers, as they caught her when she was falling and it’s a chance to pay them back. Millie has been made to feel worthless and is desperate to find true love. She has always been the bridesmaid and never the bride, but is this hell hole shes come to, a place to meet her old man?

Then she meets Sawyer, one of two son’s of the murdered MC leader, who has been given ‘leave from the army’, whilst he helps the family find out who killed his dad. He’s not a full time biker, but it’s his home and when on leave he goes back as he’s not got anywhere else to go, until he meets Millie!!

What a great book, it grips you right from the start. You really get to see the person Millie has become. She is sassie and tough and gives what she gets. Some parts of the book i read twice, they were so good.

Sawyer is the strong silent type, who really comes into his own and wins Millies heart and makes friends with the Reapers !!

The storyline is really good, full of twists and turns. You can really imagine what the MC club was like, den of iniquity. It keeps you hooked and I couldn’t put it down. I am looking forward to the next one, not sure when it’s released.


7,178 reviews69 followers

February 21, 2021

Trapping traitors tig'r! Stella bounces this hot little number right on out, delivering up all the incredibly tumultuous, rock-my-world, boot-stomping, ground shaking badassery, bringing the heat and busting down walls, blasting this bad boy to staggering heights. Hurled headlong into unfamiliar territory brimming with riveting drama, gripping intrigue, underlying threats, hidden agendas, escalating danger, electrifying suspense and nailbiting situations ensue in epic proportions, allies are forged and battle lines are drawn, cranking this baby full throttle and listening to it purr, wrapping this jewel up sleek, shiny and tight. The magnetism, attraction and chemistry collides with such intensity and ardor, exploding with boundless emotions and infinite affections, uniting them together beautifully. The characters, interactions and charged atmosphere along with relatable qualities and individual traits add depth and diversity, transforming into amazing personalities. The scenes are abundantly descriptive with colorful details that blend and flow, creating a majestic backdrop that's so rich and lively it feels as though you're part of the story instead of on the sidelines, feeling everything the characters feel. Amazing job Stella, thanks for sharing this little treasure with us.

Amy Morgan

96 reviews1 follower

June 19, 2021

I am a HUGE fan of Stella's work. I was looking forward to another Reaper story. I was happy to hear Lexi's background but something about this book felt off... maybe rushed. I can't quite put my finger on it. I liked the story and revisiting the Reapers plus learning more about the Five Kings but in general, this book was not as great as some of the others. Maybe because of how fast they came together. She is a professional assassin and guards herself like Fort Knox. He is a bastard... it all happened fast... maybe too fast. But but then like attracts like and when you know, ya know. It was just different. I don't know. I will say though, despite having me thrown off about whatever it is, I did fall deep into the story. Lexi's back story gutted me and almost made me cry. Hunter's family was just despicable. The text message made me audibly gasp and a tear to my eye. I may or may not have said "No way" out loud. And the beach... whoooo yeah! It melted my heart. Maybe it is just me, but I think everyone may want something like that said to them in their life. I can't wait to read the next one.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.

Suzanne Normandeau Legault

262 reviews3 followers

February 20, 2021

WoW! It was amazing! I was hooked from the beginning, read it non stop until I finished it. It starts off with a suspicious death, a motorcycle club president is found dead, murdered and no one knows why. Everyone is under suspicion. This story is captivating, thrilling, emotional in a dark way but at the same time very illuminating in discovering one’s self. The biker lifestyle is unique and a very loyal one. So when this family composed of Axel, Slade and Sawyer get together to find the truth behind Billy’s death; Slade and Sawyers father and Axel’s brother, they allow nothing and no one to stand in their way and prevent them from getting to the truth. While on their journey to discovering the truth Sawyer runs into Millie and she completely unravels him! A must read, this author ✍️ is amazing!

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.

sherri jones-teachout

2,261 reviews5 followers

February 22, 2021

Who’s investigating who? What's the truth?
Millie believes she’s been sent by the Twisted Reapers to help find out why the president of the Dragon MC gave Ryder’s name (the president of the Twisted Reapers) as he lay dying. She thinks the Dragons asked for help from the Reapers because they believe a traitor in their club killed Billy. But the Dragons are lawless, dirty, men who seem to care for nothing but taking women, and drinking. And she’s in danger while there. Sawyer, Billy’s son, is there on a hiatus from the military, also trying to find out who killed his dad. But his brother Slade is mean, nasty, and treats women like things, and he wants Millie. But not everything is as it seems, and Millie has walked into a situation where what she’s been told isn’t true and her life could be collateral damage. I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and I am voluntarily leaving a review.


963 reviews3 followers

February 19, 2021

Not for the faint hearted this one. Millie is sent on a mission to biker club, Dragon's Ruin by her family club the Twisted Reapers. There she encounters the Channing family. There is filth and depravity throughout the club where Millie works as a bartender. She is supposed to be paired with Slade Channing to find out information on the murder of his father, Billy. However, Sawyer Channing cannot beat the thought of his brother, who thrives on causing women pain, getting his hands on Millie. Sawyer and Millie soon become really close and wonder how they can be together as Sawyer needs to return to the military and Millie to the Reapers. Some great twists and turns as Billy's true killer show their true colours on the way to Millie and Sawyer finding their way to be together. Read an ARC for an honest review.

17.5k reviews213 followers

February 23, 2021

This is the 1st in a new series and what a wonderful beginning this story is. Millie belongs to the Twisted Reapers MC and she is sent undercover to the Dragons Ruin MC, to field out who killed their President. Sawyer is in the military and is back on leave to find out who killed his dad, and nothings is straight forward, who is a suspect and who can be trusted? The chemistry between Sawyer and Millie is off the charts, but what will happen if they find out who she is? This is a well written story which is filled with danger, suspense, intrigue, mystery, twists, surprises, and which all leads to an entertaining and all-consuming read. I look forward to reading more from this talented author whose work I highly recommend.

Merry One Maria

1,660 reviews5 followers

October 28, 2022

This story has a lot going on

I have read a different series of this author and wanted to give this a try. It was good but there is a lot going on with the characters. The story begins with Millie but we don’t know why she is struggling to get out of the car and into the bar. Next we are introduced to some handsome brothers, the Channing Brothers named Slade and Sawyer. These brothers are strong but their father Billy was murdered and now they want to find out what happened and to take revenge. There are a few storylines going at once, I don’t mind but it. Also there are triggers for violence, rough intimacy, and kidnapping, topics used for an MC romance troupe. Read On!


12.3k reviews141 followers

February 14, 2021

I thought that this book was totally yummy! Intense and suspenseful, the story pulled me right into this intriguing world and had me very happy to be there. Danger, drama, raw emotion, steam, action and stunning twists are all enrobed in a rich layer of darkness that is as potent as it is enticing. Millie and Sawyer made a truly combustible pair with their incredible chemistry, burning attraction and the tension of everything going on around them. This is the first book in this exciting and addicting series and I can't wait for more. Of my own accord I am posting an objective review.

Terry Babb

1,758 reviews11 followers

February 21, 2021

Explosive is an understatement...
Be still my racing heart, phew, what a compellingly powerful story. This author drags you in with her craftsmanship, you'll feel like you are part of the journey which is tense, intense, dark & descriptive. Although you will be distrustful of some of the characters the hero is truly a hero & the heroine is sassy, sexy & smart as a whip. Their sexual chemistry is off the charts hot! Highly recommended. Can't wait for the next novel in this new series. I received an arc & this is my honest & voluntary review.


1,032 reviews1 follower

October 28, 2021

Good read

This is the first book I have read by Stella, and really enjoyed it. I think I needed to read about the twisted Reapers first but I'll go back to them.
Sawyer as returned from the military to help find out who murdered his dad the Dragons Ruin president. Millie as been sent in undercover by The Twisted Reapers to see who is trying to set them up.
This book is full of mystery and suspense and takes you on quite a ride. Definitely worth a read. Looking forward to reading slades story.


417 reviews1 follower

May 26, 2022

To get the truth

This is a thrilling,emotional and captivating read.Millie thinks she is sent to the Dragons to find out why their dead president last words Ryder king .In the process he met Sawyer military sniper who is on leave and is trying to find out who killed his father Billy.The chemistry is sizzling between sawyer and Millie but Slade the other brother wants her too.Would secrets and false leads make the killer makes his move.You got to read this intriguing story.

Irene Marshall

1,516 reviews2 followers

January 4, 2023


This is a good Biker romance but has little to do with the Kings yes Ryder King and his club the reapers are mentioned several times and make an appearance but its largely about Millie a club girl sent to help another club to unravel the mystery around the death of Billie who supposedly named Ryder as he took his last breath. Nothing goes according to plan this club is bad and she is saved from a bad ordeal by Sawyer and love blossoms and together they solve the murder. A good love story with a few twists.


1,906 reviews3 followers

April 3, 2021

Catch a King: Five Kings

A fanfreakingtastic read. This is Sawyer story. He meets Millie but she is undercover for the Reapers. Someone killed his dad. The MC she is helping the Reapers watch sucks big time. I love this characters. They have issues but there is levels to them. No spoilers from me but they clash like nobody's business. This book is extra dramatic, sexy, shocking and OMG plenty of WTF moments.

Lizette Diaz

2,543 reviews28 followers

June 25, 2022

Millie has been a favorite character of mine from the Reapers stories. When she is assigned a mission from the people who saved her, she will do anything and is literally thrown into the Dragons Ruin. Sawyer is the perfect soldier and he immediately feels something for Millie. Their story was absolutely perfect and you will love how this story ends. Cannot wait for Slade love every book Stella writes.

M Robinson

2,120 reviews

May 2, 2023

I'm confused by the series n reading order, I want to read more biker books but book 2 is mafia. Bizarre

Anyway I inhaled this book, loved the premise, tge fmc n H, everything was great. The plot hooks you and holds you. Yes there's insta love but its still a great story and I want to read the rest, so having trawled through her books I found Slades book but no one else's. How strange!!!

Definitely one of the better biker books around

Catherine Ward

43 reviews

September 7, 2023

Secrets, lies and danger

Millie had a job to do, what she didn't count on was being used as bait. Nothing was as it seemed, the only thing that made it difficult was her attraction to Sawyer. How could she get to the truth, could she trust anyone and could she stay safe.
I was on the edge of my seat for most of this story, so many angles and background stories and so many twists. I can't wait for the next installment !!!!!!!!


2,449 reviews10 followers

February 21, 2021

Can I just say how much I love this series?? The Reapers are the MC I want to see in person if that was ever possible. I love how the women are such a strong pivotal force behind these amazing men. Sawyer and Millie deserve all the happiness they can get.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.


544 reviews1 follower

February 25, 2021

Five kings

Oh wow so glad to catch up with the Twisted Reapers again, I think Millies story has been the best so far she is such a brave and fiesty woman. But also a a very broken one too, so glad she finally met the man who was the love of her life she has been looking for so long.

Tricia Medlin-Fogg

63 reviews

December 18, 2022

Really good story

New author for me! The characters were well thought out. I liked how the story flowed. It wasn't predictable. It had me guessing all along who the "bad guy" might be. I was shocked by one of the characters and what was revealed. It hadn't even crossed my mind. Definitely, A good read. I'm off to book two!

Party Palig

32 reviews

February 5, 2023

Firstly, please proofread the books, too many grammatical errors and incorrect sentence structures. Secondly, the story was good, but kind of went flat towards the middle and I skipped a bit. I was mostly interested because it’s part of the reapers. One major pet peeve for me is the use of “you see” pretty much everywhere in conversations. It’s annoying me too much for some reason.


1,000 reviews6 followers

February 28, 2021

The first in a new series. The story is dark, dangerous, fast paced and the chemistry between the characters is off the charts. You won't want to stop reading once you start, so plan accordingly. I loved it! Eagerly awaiting the next book....


747 reviews2 followers

May 29, 2021

An interesting story with a woman who was sent into a bikers den to find a killer, the two brothers who wanted her, the secrets and false leads, unexpected truths, the killer makes their move and so much more in this intense tale

    amazon-review stella-andrews
Catch a King (Five Kings #1) (2024)


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Author: Van Hayes

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Views: 5764

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (46 voted)

Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.